"The addicting"
Felix Guattari * Translation: Carlos Enrique Restrepo
to start from a broad definition of the drug addictions, to me, are all mechanisms of subjectivity production "machine", everything that helps provide a sense of belonging, of being somewhere, and also feeling forgotten. The existential aspects of what I call the machinic drug experiences are not easily detectable, only perceive its surface visible through practices such as skiing, ultralight flights, rock, video clips, all this sort of thing. But the subjective scope of these addictions is not necessarily related to the practice in question ... is the entire performance of what interests
sa. The example of Japan, considered a large scale, is significant. The Japanese are in line with an archaic structure, say rather, pseudo-archaic. This is the counterpart of their addictions machine so that society will not shred ... They restructured from a territorial feudal tradition, perpetuating the alienated condition of women, engaging in repetitive
between machines ... These are also behaviors to subjective position, or end, not quite "for", but the result is this: it works! The Japanese structure their universe, order their affections on the proliferation and clutter of machines, clinging to archaic references. But, above all, are crazy about machines, machinic addiction. Did you know, for example, that half the people who climb the Himalayas are Japanese?
Addiction. Drugs. And is it a simple analogy? It seems that, according to recent research, is not entirely a metaphor. Repeated pains, some activities enough "grip," encourage the brain to secrete hormones, endorphins, drugs much "harder" than morphine. Perhaps by this means do not reach an auto-intoxication? In
The Edge, I noticed how anorexics look like drug addicts. The same bad faith, the same way to take one promising to stop hair ... Anorexia is an addiction more. Also sadomasochism. And any other unique passion that causes endorphin downloads. One is "drug" with the stridency of the rock, with fatigue, with lack of sleep, like Kafka, or banging his head against the ground, as autistic children. In the excitement, cold, repetitive movements, forced labor, the sports effort fear. Ski down a vertical slope, effectively transforms the data of personality! U
Na way produced, to incarnate person, while the existential background of the picture remains unclear. I repeat, the result of addiction and its social representation are likely to be totally displaced. Addiction sets in motion processes that radically beyond consciousness, the individual, produces biological changes which the individual experiences a confused-but-intense way your need. The "machine-drug" Ecstasy can trigger the collective, the gregariousness oppressive, not because it is less a response to an individual drive. The same thing happens with addictions under The person who returns home shattered, exhausted after a grueling day
, and mechanically pressing the control on your TV. This is another personal reterritorialization through entirely artificial means. These phenomena of contemporary addiction seem therefore ambiguous. There are two entrances: repetition, Birdbrain, as in the case of monomania of intoxication flippers1 or video games. And the intervention of the process "machine", that is not trivial and never naive. There is a machinic Eros. Yes, young Japanese, saturated commit suicide after school, yes, thousands of men, from 6:00 am, repeated in chorus movements golf on a cement parking lot, yes, young workers sleeping in halls and give up their holidays ... Stooges by machines! But nevertheless, there are in Japan a kind of democracy of desire, even in the company.
A kind of balance. "Because of the addiction? Between us, addictions machinic work more in the sense of a return to the individual, but nevertheless seem subjective essential for stabilization of industrial societies, especially in times of increased competitiveness. If you do not have at least this compensation, no nothing! Is taken ... The molecular machinic subjectivity can be creative, no matter what domain. Young Italians believe it rather politically disorganized after the collapse of the protest movements, do nothing! Arrange each one as you can! A society that was not able to tolerate, manage their addictions lose its force. Would be crushed. We need to articulate it, like it or not, the apparent disorder of l
as addictions, even and especially those that give the impression of being unproductive loopholes. The Americans are the champions of the addictions have thousands, invented every day. And I do very well. The Russians, however, but have no Bolshevism old addiction ... subjectivity is "machine" that generates great momentum as Silicon Valley. And in France? French society is not irretrievably lost. The French are not more stupid than others, no more poor libido. But they are not "fashionable." Social superstructures are, so to speak, rather molars. There is hardly with us institutions that give space to the processes of proliferation "machine." France, it is repeated ad nauseum, is the tradition, the Mediterranean, the immortal principles of this or that. And the moment that the planet is being crossed by mutations fantastic, we see a dim large addictions "machines." Universal explosion is "out." Will the Olympics? And the Pompidou Centre, which at first had its grace, is stuck with successive exposures and relatively permanent parasites. In summary, the anti-addiction. Is it intended Japanize to France by sending delegations to Tokyo? That's really funny ... Outside the endorphin! It seems that France has not had a good start. Neither Europe. Processes "engineer" may require large spaces, a large market or a large real power, as in antiquity. And / or also, as suggested by Braudel semiological media concentration, monetary, intellectual, a knowledge capital. New York, Chicago, California with all America behind. Or Amsterdam in the seventeenth century. That alone would enable viable entities. The megamachines! This addiction is for the club more or less private, no more than a escampadero. Subjectivizes people are remakes existential territories with their addictions. But the complementarity between the machines and this kind of escampaderos is not guaranteed! If addiction fails, if it fails, no implosion. There is a critical threshold. Failure leads to a social project in a large Japanese company in the American mobility, perish. For example, Van Gogh, Artaud. The process "machine" which could not leave destroyed. What true addicts! My existence dragged into a process of singling? Perfect! But if you stop, ready, finally, the catastrophe is imminent. Lack of prospects, a micro output. There must exist "in" the process. Empty repetition of addiction, that's terrible! When you realize that, when you end up say, "it was nothing ...." The counterculture of the sixties, the Third World, Marxism-Leninism, rock: there are many addictions that have done more damage when became obsolete ... It is regrettable or sinking, or the creation of unusual worlds. Thoroughly subjective formations worked by addictions can revive the movement, or on the contrary, it slowly extinguished. Behind all this, there are possibilities of creation, transformation of life, of scientific revolutions, economic and even aesthetic. New horizons, or nothing. I do not think here in the old ballads on spontaneity as a factor in creation. Absurd! But in the vast enterprise of stratification, serialization that oppresses our societies, in which lurk subjective formations suitable for the power to re-launch the process and to promote the kingdom of the unique mutant of new minorities. Visible sectors of addiction should not be conquered territories defenses, the residual crystals are machinic addiction may cross the entire planet, revive, re-launch. A society pinched to the point will have to deal with this, or perish.
* 1984 - "Les Défonce machiniques." Conversations collected by Jean-Fancis Held, Les nouvelles, between 12 and 18 April 1984.
1 Name with which you know some pinball machines in Germany and France [N. T.].
Source: http://www.revistaeuphorion.org/numeros/numeros/articulos/numero5/adictos.html
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