Sunday, March 13, 2011

3d Butterfly Invitations

Gilles Reading Nietzsche: God From the desire

The speculative assumptions come into play the idea of \u200b\u200bGod from the point of view form. God does not exist, or exists, while his idea involves or does not involve contradiction. But the formula "God is dead" is of another nature: does the existence of God depend on a synthesis operates the synthesis of the idea of \u200b\u200bGod over time, with the future, history, man. Simultaneously says: God has existed and died and rose again, God has made man and man has become God. The phrase 'God is dead "is not a speculative proposition, but a dramatic proposal, the proposal for dramatic excellence. God can not be done in order to incorporate a synthetic knowledge without death. The existence or nonexistence determinations are no longer relevant to the forces that come into synthesis with the idea of \u200b\u200bGod or the idea of \u200b\u200bGod. The dramatic proposition is synthetic, then, essentially pluralist typology and differential. Who dies and who kills God? "When the gods die, always die with various kinds of deaths." 1 ° From the point of view of negative nihilism: when Jewish and Christian knowledge. The idea of \u200b\u200bGod expresses the will to nothingness, the depreciation of life "when it is placed center of gravity of life in life, but beyond, into nothingness, it has been taken from the center of life of gravity. But the depreciation, the hatred of life as a whole, represents a glorification of life in particular reactive: they, the bad, sinners ... us good. The principle and consequence. Jewish consciousness or awareness of resentment (after the beautiful time of the kings of Israel) has these two aspects are in a relation of premises and conclusion, in principle, and therefore, this love is the result of this hatred. We must do the will of nothing more seductive the opposing one to the other, making love the antithesis of hate. The Jewish God kills his son to make it independent of himself and the Jewish people: this is the first sense of the death of God. Neither Saturn had this subtlety in their movements. Jewish consciousness kills God in the person of the Son. Invent a God of love who would suffer hate, instead of finding their premises and principle. Jewish consciousness makes God, in His Son, independent Jewish premises. By killing God has found ways to make your God a universal God "for all" and truly cosmopolitan. The Christian God, then, the Jewish God, but made cosmopolitan, a conclusion separated from their premises. On the cross, God no longer appears as a Jew. Similarly, on the cross, the old God dies and is born the new God. Born orphan and become a father again in his own image: God of love, but love is still the life of the strip. Here is the second sense of the death of God, the Father dies, the Son makes us do a god. The Son only asks us to believe in him, love him as he loves us, become reactive to avoid hatred. Instead of a father who gave us fear, a child asking a little confidence, a bit of belief. Apparently detached from its premises hateful, love of life reactive to fend for itself and become universal to the Christian conscience. Third sense of the death of God: Paul takes over this death, it gives an interpretation that is Christianity. The Gospels were those who started, Paul brings to perfection a great fake. First, Christ died for our sins! The operator would have offered his own son, he would have paid with their own child, so great was the debt of the debtor. The father and not kill your child to do independently, but for us, for our cause. God takes his son to the cross for love, we will respond to this love whenever we feel guilty, guilty of his death and that fix it for accusing us, paying the interest on the debt. Under the love of God, under the sacrifice his son, all life becomes reactive. Life dies but is reborn as reactive. Reactive life is the content of survival as such, the contents of the resurrection. Only she is chosen by God, only she has grace before God and the will to nothingness. The Crucified God raises: This is another counterfeiting of St. Paul, the resurrection of Christ and our survival, the unity of love and life strip. No longer is the father who kills the hiio, and not the son who kills the father, the father dies in the child, the child is raised in the father, for us, for our cause. "Basically Paul could not use in any way the Savior's life, death needed on the cross, and something even more ...»: resurrection. In the Christian conscience, not only hidden resentment, but it changes direction: the Jewish consciousness was aware of the resentment, the Christian conscience is bad conscience. Christian conscience is inverted Jewish consciousness: love life, but as a reactive life, has become the universal love has become in principle, always lively hatred appears only as a consequence of this love, the environment against what resists that love. Warrior Jesus, Jesus full of hate, but love. 2. º From the viewpoint of reactive nihilism: when the European consciousness. So far the death of God means synthesis in the idea of \u200b\u200bGod's will to nothingness and life strip. This synthesis has different proportions. But to the extent that life becomes reactive in essence, Christianity leads to a strange start. We said that we who we killed God. This secretes its own atheism, atheism bad conscience and resentment. Life reactive rather than divine, Man reagent in place of God, the Man-God and the God-man, Western man. The man has killed God, but who has killed God? The reactive man as "the most horrible man." The divine will, the will to nothingness no longer tolerate life than reactive; it no longer tolerates no God, he hates God's mercy, to take literally what the sacrifice, drown in the trap of his mercy. Prevents you from resurrecting, sits on the lid. Instead of correlation between the divine and the reactive life, displacement, replacement of God by man reagent. Here is the fourth sense of the death of God: God is love asphyxiation reactive life, God has been drowned out by the ungrateful who loves too much. 3. º From the point of view of passive nihilism: when Buddhist consciousness. If we leave aside the fakes that start with the Gospels and found its final form in San Pablo, what's left of Christ, what is its personal nature, which the meaning of death? Should illuminate what Nietzsche calls "the contradiction of the Gospel." What the texts leave us guessing the true Christ, the joyful message that brought the abolition of the idea of \u200b\u200bsin, the absence of any resentment or any spirit of revenge, rejection of any war even as a result, the revelation of a kingdom of God here below as a condition of the heart, and especially the acceptance of death as proof of their doctrine. We realize where they're going to stop Nietzsche: Christ was the opposite of what they made him Paul, the true Christ was a kind of Buddha, "a little Buddha on Indian land." It was too advanced for its time, to their environment: teaching and reactive to life to die peacefully, to go out quietly, showing his true reactive output to life when she was still struggling against the will of power. Hedonism offered a reactive life, a nobility to the last man, when men were still wondering whether or not occupy the place of God. Nobility provided a passive nihilism, when men were still in negative nihilism, when I started just reactive nihilism. Beyond the bad conscience and resentment, Jesus gave a lesson to the reactive man teaches you to die. He was the decadent sweetest, the most interesting. Christ was neither Jew nor Christian, but Buddhist closest to the Dalai Lama to the Pope. As advance towards their country, their means, that his death had to be distorted, falsified their history, back, in the service of previous states, diverted for the benefit of nihilism reactive or negative. "Twisted and converted by St. Paul in a doctrine of pagan mysteries which eventually reconciled with any political organization ... and learn to make war, to condemn, torture, judge, to hate 'hatred become through Christ that so sweet. Because the difference between Buddhism and Christianity officer Paul is this: Buddhism is the religion of passive nihilism, "Buddhism is a religion for the purpose and tired of civilization, Christianity is not even with this civilization, but created if necessary." The peculiarity of the Christian and European history is done, with iron and fire, an end, on the other hand, there already and has naturally been reached: the conclusion of nihilism. What Buddhism had come to live as so conducted, as achieved perfection, Christianity it lives only as a motor. It is not excluded that gets this end, it is not impossible that Christianity would lead to a "practice" stripped of all Pabloite mythology, is not excluded you find the actual practice of Christ. "Buddhism quietly progresses throughout Europe." But how much hatred and how many wars to get here. Christ personally had installed in the latter end, he had met on a flight, bird of Buddha in a medium that was not Buddhist. In contrast, for this purpose is also that of Christianity, it has to go back through all states of nihilism, the output of a long and terrible policy of revenge.

previous reading: Analysis of piety
Next reading: Anti-Hegelianism
Painting: Francis Bacon.
Study after Velásquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X. 153 × 118 cm .1953


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