I suppose they'll be charged the remaining posts to keep you informed during my absence .... but, just in case, I make a brief summary of the news that pleased me most during this time:
- LAURA GALLEGO has finished writing " where the trees sing." We will be watching whether to publish, what publishing and the latest to come .... Finally, something new to Laura after his well deserved rest! JAVIER
- Ruescas * has not only finished writing the last part of his trilogy bereth STORIES, but also announced the expected date of publication ( April 1st week ) entitled " Beleth III Tales
Doom Verses "well, we can read a synopsis of the end of the saga:
The war is about to unfold on the Continent. The kingdoms of the South are allied under the direction of Dimitri, who threatens to bring together an unprecedented army and take their long-awaited revenge. Adhárel as the Muses augured, he composed poetry that could change the fate of all . And meanwhile, the North, she Lysell prepares to discover who he is, face their past and play their role in a world full of traps, dangers and challenges.
- film The Hunger Games has a date official release, although we do not know anything about the actor who plays the characters of our favorite series: March 23, 2012. It is less!
* If you want to know more about their projects read in the interview that made this blog to Javier Ruescas
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