moving in the order of time, but What is the order of time? No longer is this variable, is moment. The moment is the feeling that something is planned as future so reflected, in fact already there. You live a moment when, at once, you raise something as future, that is possible or probable or certain, and that, otherwise, you discover that is already there. In other words, the moment is here and now the future is the imminent future, the imminent replacement for the future. At the same time that the future results in the imminent, which in fact is different from the future, is already there in the future, and in the same motion past an infinite regress. Are the two phases of the moment. A beyond the past, butchers the past. What happened yesterday seem centuries. A beyond the past, this side of future contamination of the two is as if time was between two times. A wedge him out of joint. At that time no longer talk about the intensity, not talk about the immensity of past and future, will be discussed, on the contrary, a sort of disjunction between immemorial and imminent. That would be the order of time and correlate with the moment.
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