Monday, January 28, 2008

How To Create A Sympathy Guest Book

Social Movements VI ALBA Summit

ALBA Movimiento sociales banco del Alba more than three years ago in Havana, Cuba, resulted in the creation of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA), through the initiative of the presidents of Venezuela and Cuba, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, respectively. Over the years, entered the agreement, the Republics of Bolivia and Nicaragua, most recently at the Sixth Summit of Dominica joined Alba.

ALBA seeks to curb the interests of transnational capital that only seek to crush the poor and vulnerable countries of the continent, facing the intentions of the empire to take over the privileges of the southern lands and take advantage of its inhabitants. For this, the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America was born to stay. Their representatives will fight against poverty and social exclusion, one of the most serious problems facing the peoples of Latin America.

Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America gives priority to Latin American unity and negotiating sub-regional blocs, initiating consultation meetings to deepen the knowledge of the positions and identify areas of common interest, which will enable strategic associations. Similarly, claims that most fragile nations have sufficient tools to fend off the first power.

ALBA summits had been characterized as only meeting between the presidents of member countries, but in the V ALBA Summit held in Dyer, Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez, raised the proposal to include social movements in these meetings.

"ALBA without the soul of the ALBA nations would not be without the participation of social movements, not is the mechanism we need, we are not Presidents who are going to unite people, it is the people themselves who will have to unite and have to come together from the consciousness, "he said at that time with their peers.

But in the recently concluded VI ALBA Summit, held in Caracas, where different sectors of social movements that make life in each of the member countries gathered to discuss and propose solutions to the construction of a model of fair and equal life for all inhabitants of Latin America.

We must be very clear, in capitalism would never have held a meeting of this type, large monopolies do not give voice to those most in need because the need to continue operating and not let them emerge.

In the words of President Hugo Chávez, it is necessary that social movements participating in the summit of ALBA, as it is they who give solutions to problems. Also without the unification of peoples could not achieve the objective of ALBA, which is to remove the hand of the rule inquiring about the most vulnerable.

The Council of Social Movements is an important element of direct social unity and cooperation in the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America. This is a space-imperialist, neoliberal and committed to working towards obtaining higher levels of achievement, social justice and the real sovereignty of our peoples.

This initiative requires the Social Movements of the ALBA member countries need to articulate and non-members, identified with this effort, the responsibility to contribute to the development and expansion of ALBA process. The sixth summit included the participation of different sectors including women, youth, indigenous, students, workers, unions, health movements, among others.

By attending this summit we could talk with some of the participants of the Social Movements of Alba, who first voiceless at a summit of this nature.

Carlos Somera, who belongs to the Ministry of Popular Power for Indigenous Peoples of Venezuela, said that "social movements are fighting for the vindication of their rights and duties, has been a great advance the integration of indigenous peoples in the active participation and in building socialism and thus bring all the necessary contributions to our sister countries to improve the quality of life. "

indicated that in the case of Bolivia, there is a people who are looking to share as well as Venezuela, the experience to achieve the construction of a model country where everyone has access to equity, equality and all rights.

also Rene Vidanne, belonging to the peasant sector of Bolivia, said that "social movements in Bolivia are always available to continue the new constitution of government policy, not stay there, but rather know that we want to turn right, but we will not be anywhere, on the contrary, we are working like ants to form the basis and thus further our Constituent Assembly. "

Meanwhile, Florentino Barrientos, Secretary General of the Confederation of Peasants Bolivia, reported that its presence in Caracas, responds to your interest in the ALBA, "we must strengthen it, we must push. We hope that these projects will help our people and that can save us somehow and get to benefit our partners and our communities. "

remember that the Bolivian peasant movements are up in arms for over 100 years, since the empire wants to dominate Bolivia. For this reason, the Confederation of Peasants in the process of campaigning with the new constitution submitted by the President Evo Morales, who as indigenous and peasants also suffered the ravages of poverty.

Another participant in the Council of Social Movements in the VI ALBA Summit was Joel Suarez, coordinator General Martin Luther King Memorial Center in Havana, who called the Alba as a process of integration in the Bolivarian spirit and under the principles of complementarity, cooperation and solidarity.

Suarez said that the Council of Social Movements of ALBA is an innovation, as well as involving not only social movements of the ALBA member countries but also the social movements of other countries.
explained that the objective is to define what is the council's mission, strategies and action structure so that anytime soon undergo a major hemispheric meeting of all American nations that support the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America.

"Social movements within the Cuban people have had first high solidarity. Second, social movements have a prominent Cuban involvement in networks and campaigns against free trade, militarization and anti-debt, "said Suarez.

also Luzbelia Marin, the Women's Movement spokeswoman Manuelita Saenz and Council of Social Movements of ALBA, said: "In principle we have made a policy statement where we have defined our anti-imperialist, anti-neoliberal and included in this framework, the need for our women to be incorporated in all it has to do with the benefits of ALBA. "

For this social leader, Women, in recent times has played an important role in politics and in society, ceased to be only a housewife and mother, and took to the streets to fight for their rights and duties, the proof is the participation of women in the Council of Social Movements of ALBA.

"One of the things that we have established as a principle is that all our policies and all our documentation, that has to do with projects submitted must have a gender perspective by a view that poverty has a female face, there are 800 million poor people in America and 70% are women. The plan to attack poverty, we have to have a gender because women are poorer, "said Marin.

were present at this meeting represented the most oppressed and disadvantaged sectors of society in the member countries of ALBA, seeking to ensure a clamor, a cry, a listing of those areas where you have to do with the planning activities and actions of the board of social movements, which together Governments contribute to the progress of each country. Mayra Lily closed (MinCI)
Photo: Representatives of social movements participating in the Fourth Summit of ALBA (Luis Laya)
View: Chávez and the Bank of ALBA: another struggle for integration


tourism in Venezuela


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