Monday, May 5, 2008

Can I Use My Lonestar Card At Heb

57% of Santa Cruz autonomy referendum rejected the illegal

The recent referendum in Santa Cruz showed a significant rejection of separatist intentions of business and political leadership of the Department of Santa Cruz in the Republic of Bolivia.

Although the currents that promote the creation of an independent state whose first step was the referendum held today announced a 83 percent approval, 57 percent showed a sharp rejection, 13 percent of those who chose to participate said No, and abstained more than 44% of people, reflecting a rejection of a consultation mounted in a struggle and illegal.

should be noted that in the previous query to perform an assembly constituent only had a disclaimer of 15.49% and for the election of President Evo Morales won 54% of this support, a figure that also resembles the Autonomy Statute rejection of this day, reflecting the continued support that keeps people its chairman.

Most voting and turnout was where absenteeism was 37%, the central area of \u200b\u200bthe City of Santa Cruz, which holds 66% of voters and only corresponds to 5% of the territory of that department and where are concentrated transnational and national companies as well as areas of high-income people. However, people who occupy 95 percent of the territory of Santa Cruz, firmly rejects the status it seeks the separation of the territory. This area contains large oil and gas, which is the true intent of separation of the economic leadership and wants to manage these resources separately.

exists in Santa Cruz, a significant number of people who are not registered to vote, who do not participate in this event, especially in very rural areas.

While it is important to many people who participated in this referendum, and as such is an act of participation can not be underestimated, is a small sector of 600,000 people who have more money and resources than the rest of country, which is made up of 13,000,000 of people,

On the other hand is the legality and legitimacy of this process is highly questionable, not counted with the presence of witnesses at the tables, it was not clear in the organization, or the posting, which was advised by the organization "Join" characterized by an attempt to mount electoral fraud and parallel, with much advertising coverage to impress and confuse people, and funded, as is known, by government American. This referendum conducted by the Santa Cruz group of the Union, was an amazing display of media, media ownership by certain participating employers purposes of this organization apart.

whole process is only intended to separate from Bolivia, the area contains oil and gas, is sponsored by the U.S. government No, as has been tried before in other countries like Venezuela to want to separate the Zulia State of that country and create a republic , as has been tried in Colombia in Caqueta and the guerrillas has left them no easy way, and very recently in Kosovo, where the separation has been achieved with a significant deployment of military and political sabotage after dividing the population and encouraging the differences and weakening disinformative deployments strengths that unite people. Once these breakaway republics, the U.S. government that other regions will join this movement hopeful "better lifestyle" because it acts in Zone Trouble fish in troubled waters.

The referendum was simply a media movement, a movement of disclosure with the intent to create the illusion of a fictional reality that was promoted improvement "Autonomy" in similarity to "freedom" and then reports the success of "The status "which is an independence that violates more than 33 articles of the Constitution.

The countless protests in Santa Cruz itself and the rest of the country, which only showed the media when there was violence aside and hand, and absenteeism of the day where the media did not show a single queue polling, the results speak for municipalities that have only 3 tables assembled over 35 and they now appear with "success" of 89% and counting of votes made by those who staged the referendum, only reflect a communications installation and the start of an escalation to divide in Latin America at a time when integration of the continent we definitely only reflect the failure of the separatists.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Consequence Fake Id Ontario

Workday capitalist and socialist workday

By: Michael A. Lebowitz
As May Day approaches, it is worth remembering four things that day:

1. For l @ s @ s workers on May Day is not holding a state holiday or a gift from him, but commemorates the struggle, from below-de l @ s @ s. worker

2. Initially, the first of May focused on the struggle for a shorter workday.

3. The struggle for shorter working hours is not an isolated struggle but the struggle against capitalist exploitation.

4. The struggle against capitalist exploitation is an essential part but not the only part of the general struggle against capitalism.

Today I present some ideas relating to working hours both capitalist and socialist, and I hope that they can be useful in the current struggles in Venezuela and serve, more immediately, the discussions today.

the capitalist workday

What is the relationship between the capitalist workday and exploitation? When @ l @ s worker s labor to capital, they receive a wage that allows them to buy a certain quantity of goods. How much is the salary? The level of wages has not been automatic but nothing has been determined through the struggles of working @ s @ s into the capital.

These goods are the wages of workers l @ s @ s contain a certain amount of work and often call these hours of work "needed work" l @ s @ s worker, namely: - hours of work that is required for worker l @ s @ s produce the goods they consume each day.

However, under capitalism workers l @ s @ s not just work their hours of work required. No, the capitalist may be required to work more hours because, in order to survive, have been forced to sell their ability to work. The difference between the hours of work required and the total hours worked l @ s @ s worker for the capitalist work is over - and it is ultimately the source of capital gains. That is, the profits of the capitalists is based on the difference between working time and work required: are based on the surplus labor, unpaid labor, ie, exploitation.

Now, the more the capitalist is able to extend the workday, the greater the exploitation and the greater their profits. Marx observed that "the capitalist constantly tending to reduce wages to their physical minimum and extend the working day to its physical maximum." That's true! But Marx later said that "the working man constantly presses in the opposite direction." That is, the class struggle: l @ s @ s workers struggle to increase wages and reduce working hours, they struggle to reduce exploitation by capitalists.

course, your workday is broader than just the time spent between clocking in and out to work. Is the time it takes to reach their place of work, the time needed to buy enough food to survive, the time it takes to cook it - all this is also really necessary labor and an integral part of the day the labor force. However, given that this work is free capitalist seen that he is not a cost, it is invisible. Then, when the capitalists to reduce the work required by a reduction in wages (or by an increase in productivity relative to wages) is not that want to reduce the job does not pay, but you just want the maximum possible free labor, the maximum amount of unpaid labor.

No wonder why worker l @ s @ s want to reduce the unpaid work they do to the capital and try to do struggling to reduce the capitalist workday. However, not only unpaid work than it is a burden for worker l @ s @ s, so is the paid work are obliged @ sa do for capital. That is, the exploitation is not the only problem. It is the way in which capitalist production workers distorts the @ s @ s. In the capitalist workplace, l @ @ worker works in terms of goals capital, under the control of capital and where production is organized in a way that does not allow the worker s @ @ s to develop their skills but their only goal is to make profits. "All methods to develop production, cripple the worker making it a part worker," he said about capitalism Marx, "they degrade and alienate him the intellectual potentialities of worker labor process." This means that the capitalist production process cripples us as human beings. Life in the capitalist workplace is a life in which we are commanded from above, where we are nothing more than tools to manipulate the capital to make profits.

why we want to reduce working time. For this we can not wait to escape. Not only do we want to escape exploitation and injustice in income distribution. Time away from the capitalist production appears as the only time when we can be ourselves, times when our activity can be free, time for the full development of the individual.

necessarily have to be well within capitalism. However, we must recognize that many of our ideas are infected. The most obvious example is that of consumerism - we have to buy all these things. What defines us is ours. The socialist answer, however, is not that everyone should have the same thing-namely, equality of alienation. Rather, the socialist idea is to end the situation in which things possess us and define us.

The battle of ideas, which is essential in the struggle for socialism, is based on the alternative conception of socialism. Its central idea is not to reform this or that idea that has evolved within capitalism but rather, to replace capitalism with some ideas of appropriate conceptions of socialism. Now, our idea of \u200b\u200bthe working day, is it infected? Moreover, can we fully understand the working day thinking about working hours under socialism?

the socialist workday

First, what do we mean by socialism? The goal of socialists has always been to create a society that would allow the full development of human potential. Never conceived as a society where some people can develop their capabilities and others can not do. This is what Marx meant when he stated clearly that the goal is "an association which the free development of each depends on the free development of all." And it is pointing toward this goal when he emphasizes the Bolivarian Constitution, in Article 20 "Everyone has the right to free development of his personality", as explicitly recognized in Article 299 that the goal of human society should be to "ensure full human development."

As Marx pointed out, unlike a capitalist society, where l @ s @ s workers exist to meet the need "for capital to expand, in a socialist society the wealth l @ s @ s workers have been" there for meet the need of the development work. " But what is the nature of working in a society that is geared to ensuring overall human development?

Let's start talking about the work required - quantity. There is work that is in the products we consume every day, just like before. But must add to this the work worker l @ s @ s want to devote to the expansion of future production. Under socialism, there is no obligation on a worker capitalists @ sa perform surplus labor, and investors a share of the profits in the search of future profits. Instead of the above, l @ s @ s mism @ worker s in the workplace and in society decide if they want to devote time and effort to expand the satisfaction of their needs in the future. If so decide, this job is no surplus to their needs, is part of what @ s ell as their necessary labor. Thus, the concept of the work necessary changes.

addition, in a socialist society, we recognize explicitly that a necessary part of our work is at home. That is, we recognize that our workday does not begin after we leave the house but includes what we do at home. Article 88 of the Bolivarian Constitution recognizes the importance of this when he said that housework is "economic activity that creates added value and produces wealth and welfare."

The concept of the work required of our workday in a socialist society also includes the work that is required to self-govern our communities. After all, if socialism is about the choices we make in our communities democratically, then the time required to participate in part of our work involved. Similarly, if socialism is about creating the conditions in which tod @ s we can develop our potential, then the process to educate and develop our skills is an activity that is integrated into our work necessary.

In short, when we think of the socialist workday, think about it differently. Our opinion on the amount of work required, for example, is not distorted by the capitalist perspective as only the work necessary capital must pay. This is the difference between political economy capital and the political economy of the working class. From the perspective of worker l @ s @ s, we recognize and work needed all this work that is necessary for "the need for development work."

But the difference is only quantitative. Under socialism, the workday can not be a day where you receive orders from above (even in strategic industries) Rather, it is only through our activity, our practice and our role that we can develop our capabilities. Article 62 of the constitution emphasizes this point when he says that people's participation "is the necessary means of achieving the involvement to ensure their complete development, both individual and collective. " That is, in every aspect of our lives (the traditional workplace, community, home), democratic decision-making is a necessary feature of the socialist workday; through worker councils @ s, community councils, student councils, family councils, we produce as new socialist subjects.

Therefore, when we look at the workday from the perspective of socialism, we see that the simple demand to reduce the workday is a demand from within capitalism. Its message is simple - stop this horror! It refers to a concept of "infected" working time. Because its starting point a view of labor as something so horrible that the only thing you can think of doing is reducing and ending.

When we think about building socialism, however, recognize that the demand is to transform the working day - is to recognize explicitly all parts of our workday and transform it qualitatively. Instead of seeing the "free time" as the only time we can develop, from the perspective of socialism is essential to make the whole day time to build human capacity.

In summary, there are two ways to see the demand for reduced working hours: a speaks simply of a reduced working week and therefore holiday extended weekend, in contrast, the second stresses the reduction of traditional working hours to free up time for education, for our work at home and in our communities is ie the demand to redefine and transform our workday.

The first way to see the working day is to see it simply as a reform that should be in capitalism

l @ s For socialists, the first of May should be the day that we fight for the whole day l @ s worker @ s, in which we fight for the socialist workday.

[This paper was presented as an initial comment discussion at the "Roundtable on the reduction of working hours" held at the Centro Internacional Miranda on April 24, 2008. Translated by J. Duckworth]

general PSUV

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mi Paste Without Microabrasion

Venezuela: The re-SIDOR

Venezuelan citizenship, and who incidentally are here, we woke up this morning amid a new political-economic scale. The Venezuelan government on the express orders of President Hugo Chavez decided to end a long conflict between workers and employers renationalising the largest steel company in the country. To make matters worse the announcement was made in the early morning, just a few minutes past one in the morning, Executive Vice President Ramón Carrizales.

A multinational corporation

SIDOR (Steel Orinoco) is 60% controlled by Ternium group, the other 40% of the shares are divided between government and workers equally. It is the world's largest manufacturer of seamless pipes, an essential input for the oil industry, with a large expansion in recent years.

U.S. Ternium acquired Hydril Company, which has strong presence in the Gulf of Mexico, Brazil and West Africa. He also bought in the north country the company Maverick Tube Corp. And in Mexico to Hylsamex.

turn Ternium is controlled by Argentine-Italian group Techint (SIDERAR, SIDERCA, LOSA Olavaria) founded in 1946 by Italian immigrant Agostino Rocca, which it is presented as the national capital, and is along with the oil company Repsol of the great productive capital apoyaturas transnationalized Kirchner government.

TAMSA In partnership with (Mexico), Dalmine (Italy), NKK Tubes (Japan) and Algom (Canada) controls the Tenaris group, the largest producer of welded pipes in the world, which owns 11% of the shares of Ternium .

SIDOR has so far been a linchpin of a magnitude that has transnational game itself on the world market as a supplier of the oil industry and for the automaker rolled.

trabajadores de sidor nacionalizacion venezuela

The second wave is not about an isolated, whose nationalization terms are not known and it will lead to a lengthy negotiation as it is, like all here, nationalization pay, certainly well paid, but occurs as part of a series of actions in the same direction.

nationalization This group could well form part of what I call the second wave. If the first was focused on service sectors, telephone, electricity, communications, oil well, the second is focused on sectors of production: in the past fortnight the plant was nationalized the country's largest dairy, three cement and steel now .

As shown it is productive sectors and services that play a key role in developing self-centered, here defined as endogenous, even in the frameworks imposed by globalization.

Cement companies are critical to the maintenance of a national housing plan today, weakened by lack of basic supplies, dairy products have been a food shortage in more recent times, and the nationalization of the milk processing plant should be seen as the necessary complement to the cooperative agreements SANCOR of our country, which this year will provide 18,000 tns. powdered milk in return for a financial contribution to refinance debt of around $ 80 million that the Venezuelan government released these days, thus fulfilling the agreement signed last December. This agreement also includes a contribution of 55 million as working capital. Advance

Bolivarian process and economic policy decision is a definite improvement of the radical wing of Chavez and the Bolivarian government's recovery, which appeared beaten and detained by the electoral results of constitutional referendum on Dec. 2.

is a State reappropriates accumulated capital resources and strategic for national development.

Nationalization ending a conflict between capital and labor that left very badly on the government. The origins go back to fifteen months ago as part of the discussion group for higher wages, improved working conditions in retirement and the move to outsource ground staff. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe latter claim must be noted that the permanent staff is about 6,000 workers (1,200 senior staff), while contracts are in the order of 9,000 and whose working conditions are of great insecurity.

These claims were taken up by executive vice president at a press conference who said the intransigence of the company, whom he accused of "colonialist attitudes, unethical and inhumane, and maintain Barbarian operating conditions of its workers. "

also echoed the complaints of workers in that since privatization are raw materials (iron) at subsidized prices, with prices also reclaimed power, and then sold on the local market finished products at international prices.

Thus SIDOR gains rate is huge, its balance sheet for 2007 recognizes benefits of $ 127.2 million, although other reports do get these utilities to more than triple. Win

At a time of writing the TV shows images of thousands of workers concentrated in front of gate 3 of the plant, expressing his joy and recognition of their claims by President Chavez.

No wonder. During the long months of the conflict were severely repressed and some imprisoned by the National Guard, that he even destroy the cars. Again and again denounced the intransigence of the company, the alleged "neutrality" of the Ministry of Labour as well as assault and attempted amedentramiento they suffered.

The union that groups, SUTISS, organized a referendum to consult the workers to accept or reject the proposals of the company, rejection was unanimous on Thursday March 29 held a massive march accompanied by much of the town of Ciudad Guyana. Saturday, 31 took place there called the National Trade Union Meeting which brought together 100 unions and 7 National Federations, which among the various resolutions decided a national strike and a march on Caracas. At the same time demanded the resignation of Minister of Labour.

This government decision is a result of pressure exerted by the mobilization of workers and represents a major victory which will have national implications. Notes also contradictions within the Bolivarian government. Additionally

be followed receipt of this measure in the national government. A year ago when President Chavez threatened a similar move by the company favored the international market to the detriment of internal mediation of President Kirchner and his wife calmed things down. Now the decision is made, we will see how it impacts not only relations between Venezuela and Argentina, but Brazil and Mexico.

By: Eduardo Lucita, a member of the group EDI-Economists of the Left.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sigmoid Colon Mesentery

The endogenous right assaults the Bolivarian House denounced

A variety of revolutionary groups among which we count (UPCHA, CONTROL WORKER TVCALIPSO, ALCASA Social Front, social missions, like other social organizations bases) took the old facilities of the defunct leading bank in the Americas Avenue next to the tower Loreto Puerto Ordaz, who became FOGADE property remain abandoned and was occupied by these revolutionary groups which adequate resources are self-managed facilities for meetings and gatherings for the defense of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Yesterday was a violent assault if they are not ton, the squalid officials of the Ministry of Environment in the Area of \u200b\u200bGuyana of which most are members and are identified with the opposition coup to seize the seat of our dear HOME BOLIVARIANA, symbol of resistance against imperialism and the bureaucracy of the state of Bolivar.

decision is to return these facilities as they pertain to the Guyanese and the whim of endogenous right to try to clear these spaces of political discussion and strategies to the formation of People's Power, we are not going to allow, but even more we withdraw from this medium the Ministry of Environment in the area of \u200b\u200bGuyana, are no longer content to follow the same deviant behavior to be running private companies that pollute our air and are complicit in ecocide and pandering to people who are destroying our forests transnational, if not that they are now taking an active part of the opposition coup, when they seek to destroy our stronghold in the Bolivarian CASA. We decided

to return to our HOME BOLIVARIANA and continue to provide the Moral y Luces from this and other spaces for the liberation of our people.

Patria, Socialismo o Muerte Venceremos ... ... ..
Manuel Figuera
Alcasa workers

socialist economy + Blogalaxia

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How Do I Get Discovered

Guiana aluminum poster

The irregularities in the aluminum business in the Corporación Venezolana de Guayana is not a matter of two days. On March 19, 2007, the then president of Alcasa, Carlos Lanz, asked the Disip the formation of a specialized team to track the alleged actors involved and their financial, commercial and political.

communication signed by Carlos Lanz addressed to General Henry Rangel Silva-copied to the Office of the President, the Vice-Presidency and the Ministries of Defense, Basic Industries and Interior and Justice, gives an account of the consolidation of economic groups that "have profited from the public purse, putting into question production and technological sovereignty. "

denounced the formation of a cartel of aluminum "header, as reported by the company Glencore, JB Gerald Metals and Commodities.

Given this fact, and also may have led to threats to their integrity, Lanz Disip insisted on the need to conduct research, "especially when these actors have the support of international agencies in the field of intelligence and security ..., linked closely to the Jewish lobby is at the posters of aluminum and diamond. "

According to a work developed by Lanz (attached to the request sent the Disip), those companies are distributed much of the production of Venalum and Alcasa.

relates that "as competition, Glencore and its associated companies play hard and dirty. They move with agility and efficiency in the field of official corruption and political lobbying. "He cited that one of the operators," he boasts to speak on behalf of the brothers of the President of the Republic and have influence in the Vice Presidency. Often officials are reluctant to shady dealings, are immediate calls senior officials ".

Lanz describes one of the ways used by Glencore to recruit their players in the CVG, is to sponsor trips. In February 2007 Seminar held in Florida on TMS, which have assisted with expenses paid by the poster Alcasa 4.

In June 2005 the President of the Republic received the first part of "The Lowdown on the posters Basic Industries Guiana. "The document, dated in Ciudad Guayana and signed by Carlos Lanz, made him aware of the existence of organizations cartels that operate as "groups who monopolize economic activities, family threads or illegal practices related to crime: smuggling, speculation, killings, money laundering or drug trafficking gangs who control major media operators in the management of the CVG and supervised companies and that influence some union leaders and MPs. "

The document provides a definition of the posters, grouped by areas of activity. Name institutions in the banking sector, a company in the insurance sector, and individuals in various service sector.


Monday, February 11, 2008

First Aid Current Events

CVG Economic warfare

For the economy are coming from outside, with internal support, new attacks against Venezuela. A shortage problems, which have their political ingredient, and the rumors begin to move, add this information misleading in some agencies about demands of the Exxon-Mobil PDVSA.

The Reuters rose to U.S. $ 36 billion of PDVSA assets frozen worldwide, "and his" analysis "on Friday stressed the freezing of assets" by billions of dollars ", despite the denial from Minister Rafael Ramirez , and believes that the ruling "complicates the socialist crusade of President Hugo Chávez, already facing growing obstacles in their country" ("growing economic problems and discontent among his supporters.")

Today we know better the experience of the overthrow of Allende. The CIA, according to documents declassified by President Clinton's orders, planned and developed, parallel to the economic war military conspiracy that sought to destabilize Venezuela. That

destabilizing policy was adopted at a meeting of President Nixon, Henry Kissinger, the CIA chief Richard Helms and Attorney Michel on September 15, 1970, just 11 days after Allende's election. Among the agreements was one that could not be more eloquent: "To howl of pain the Chilean economy." And they did it, and when there was a conspiracy together with the military, both actions, the situation of division in left, also stimulated by them, all according to declassified documents, gave the coup.

The intelligence report recently made public, which devotes four pages to Venezuela, rather than the other South American countries together, is another factor to be assessed. The importance that the White House gives Venezuela, publicly expressed in the frequent statements of its most varied spokesmen previously had a significant and important decision to Washington, the CIA added to the five departments in place (counter-terrorism, against trafficking in arms, narcotics North Korea and Iran) for each of the major security problems of government U.S. sixth department: Venezuela and Cuba.

In Cuba, are tinkering since 1960, the novelty is the incorporation of our country. Since then, the CIA has the staff and resources necessary exclusively to combat the Chavez government by all means, in a fight against time, and I think the economy will surely have seen this year as the most vulnerable area .

And there seem to come shots. Eleazar Diaz Rangel

List The overthrow of Allende. journalistic research and the U.S. declassified documents that record orders Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and talks to U.S. Secretary of State time, Henry Kissinger, give accurate pictures of what happened.

In 1972, columnist Jack Anderson brought out participation of the International Telephone and Telegraph Co. in the conspiracy that produced the coup. ITT, telephone company had invested heavily in Chile, including offers of a million dollars to the efforts of the CIA intended to prevent Allende's rise to command.

In 1975, the report of the United States Senate "covert actions in Chile 1963-1973" revealed the extensive involvement of the government policy Chile during the decade before the military coup of September 11, 1973.

were famous words of Henry Kissinger: "I do not see why we should stay as spectators and watch a country go communist because of the irresponsibility of its own people."

is noted that the U.S. president for those years, Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger met with, among other officials, said: " have to destabilize the country's economy."

The journalist Susana Rojas of digital media Chilean journalist, launched by the CIA destabilization spanned several fronts ranging from saturating the media alarming information, causing panic among the population to the total funding increase of lengthy shutdowns for weather shock.

journalist claims that by 1972 the climate that prevailed in the country was nearing its peak. Gestated hatred day after day turned into strikes, sabotage and a myriad of agreements between foreign and domestic coup.

Rojas said the rumors incited people to withdraw their savings from banks, and disappear from the market as there article. In this scenario difficult to imagine anything worse was to come.

On October 9, 1972, Chile was struck by a transport strike.

National Transport Confederation presided, according to Rojas, one of the leaders of right-wing paramilitary group Patria y Libertad ", Leon Vilarino, and bringing together 165 truckers unions, with 40 000 members and 56 000 vehicles ordered indefinite stoppage of activities throughout the country.

The strike, which is funded from the U.S. and inserted into the so-called "September Plan" sought, according to documents declassified by the CIA, "putting into practice a technique that, under a mass content is based on the 'unionism' of patterns and the 'civil resistance' of the bourgeoisie. "

Decontrol invaded the country and the guild became stronger carriers. Joined the Confederation of Retail Trade with a near total closure of its premises, the Confederation of Small Industry and Handicrafts, the Federations of college and high school students, among others.

Cornered by the unions and the country in crisis, Allende sought a solution unprecedented in its mandate, was sworn in a new cabinet composed of three members of the armed forces, including army commander Gen. Carlos Prats. This was the first approach of the military to power.

By 1973 the Allende government was worn and could hardly stand as another strike October 72. However, wine was the final trigger.

This suspension, which was historic, a product of its strength and cohesion, was a prelude to military intervention in Chile. Intervention that a September 11, 1973 took the form of a coordinated military coup, bloody and brutal.

Salvador Allende would keep some of his ministers at the Palacio de la Moneda, the seat of government in Chile, and lose his life.

the end, the work of the CIA, the U.S. State Department and large dollar amounts showed that, acting in concert, can be put against wall to a government uncomfortable. Of course, it is always important how you behave that are within the country.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Old Mercurial Vapours R9

More 200 million children are exploited workers

million children work in mines, factories rotten money, overcrowded, mired in trash or carrying stones for hours. Globalized.

not play another game other than fooling escape death and disgust. No Nintendos or PlayStations, without their bodies broken toys, sewing day and night that I wear shoes and balls to those who never played football. According to the International Labour Organization, more than 200 million children exploited. Children who do not become so large, women without children who are growing up, children orphaned children, children without laughter, girls and boys face looked hurt and broken, tired children and adults, sick children to work without rest. Cannon fodder. Globalized. Children five years and workers, aged six or seven servants, eight, nine or ten or eleven exploited. Children 12 years killed for saying that slaves are not children who want to become free men and women, as Iqbal Masih was murdered. Working children between cyanide so that the rich have large gold, much gold, much gold for big rich with love and caring between cotton pampers their children, loving great with his rich and ruthless masters of the other children. Children employed without a contract, employees of soldiers, early butchers, masons, prostitutes, leather wet and dry mouth all the time, ragged, with calloused hands within five years, tripe (I suppose) globalized, girls and Children of soul and blood brown amorphous, sweaty, half dead, what will be a school for them?, "these children will have dreams at night? I wonder if you could hear other music than that of their coughs. Million working children dead or half dead to fall exhausted.

globalization progresses, profits beat all records. Employers are happy. What they care so that millions of children killed for working for them.
Roh1988 See All


Much Does Gum Graft Cost

Can counteract the collapse of the economy?

America's economy is heading for a major slowdown. The occurrence or a recession-two quarters of negative growth is not important. More important is the fact that the economy will operate below its potential, increasing unemployment. The country needs a stimulus, but anything we do will increase our soaring deficit, so it's important to get as much bang for the buck as possible. The optimal package would contain one fast-acting measure along with others that could lead to increased spending if and only if the economy goes into a steep downturn.

should begin by strengthening the unemployment insurance system, because money received by the unemployed would be spent immediately.

The federal government should also provide some assistance to states and municipalities, which are already beginning to feel the need to tighten their belts, as the value has fallen property. As expected, they respond by cutting spending, which acts as a destabilizing factor. Federal assistance should come in the form of aid for rebuilding crucial infrastructure.

Increased federal support for state education budgets would also strengthen the economy in the short term, and promote growth in the long run, as would spending to promote energy conservation and lower emissions. Of course, implementing a well-designed programs of public expenditure of this kind would take some time, but all indications are that this recession will last longer than the keep others in recent memory. The housing prices will soon return to normal levels, and if Americans start saving more money than they have been doing, consumption could remain low for some time.

The Bush administration has long taken for tax cuts (especially permanent tax cuts for the rich) as a solution to the problem. This is incorrect. Tax cuts perpetuate the excessive consumption that has characterized the U.S. economy. But Americans of middle and low incomes have suffered in the last seven years: the median family income is lower today than it was in 2000. A tax rebate aimed at middle-income households and low would make sense, especially since it would quickly into the economy.

Something should be done about foreclosures, and appropriately designed legislation that would allow victims of predatory lending to stay in their homes would stimulate the economy. But we should not spend much money on this. Otherwise, it would only lend a hand to his troubles out investors, and they are not the only ones who need help from taxpayers.

In 2001, the Bush administration used the impending recession as an excuse for tax cuts for higher-income Americans (who was exactly the same group that had benefited economically in the preceding quarter-century.) The cuts intended to stimulate the economy, and only did so to some extent. To keep the economy running, the Federal Reserve was forced to lower interest rates to unprecedented levels, and then look the other way as America plunges by derrocaderos of irresponsible lending.

Time of reckoning. And what is now needed is a stimulus that stimulates. The question is, will the president and Congress politics aside to get to work on it?

Joseph Stiglitz is professor of economics at Columbia and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Personal Qualities To Being An Anesthesiologist

Colombia, a country for sale

The Colombian government is promoting the neoliberal measures all possible and have them running to when they completed the signing of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States. Since President Alvaro Uribe to ministers and businessmen have recently traveled to Washington in an effort to convince congressmen and senators opposed (by war and drug connections) to the FTA for approval without delay.

Proof politicians and officials on the earnings that will bring the Treaty for U.S. companies in the Andean nation is carried out a comprehensive privatization program that reaches all sectors, although in Colombia over half the population lives in poverty and lacks access to health services, education or social security.

Although gross domestic product has grown by an average 5% in the last three years, according to the National Planning Department (DNP) in the country 20,292,000 poor that it be determined that 3 out of four people in the field and 2 in four cities.

Another factor that helps to increase poverty has been the displacement forced by the military, people living in areas of armed conflict. From 1985 to first quarter of 2006 the figure rose to 3.84 million people were forced to migrate to cities without any means of subsistence.

Currently, the income of 10% of the richest people in Colombia is 49 times greater than 10% of the poorest.

However, Finance Minister Oscar Ivan Zaluaga recently noted that the sustainability of Colombia's economic growth is not threatened because it is solid and based on international investment, while the president of the Stock Exchange, announced that Juan Pablo Córdoba in 2008 the state will release the rest of his privatization plan, while private sector companies are selling for a grand total of 43.1 billion pesos (21 U.S. $ 415 million).

The state will sell the electric companies of Cundinamarca, Boyacá (EBSA), Santander, Norte de Santander and Meta. The auction, which will block had to be suspended last December by popular protests against the measure, it would increase the debt of the already impoverished citizens. These actions are concerned Codensa, Enertilima and Vergel, and Castellanos SA for a value of 1 billion pesos.

Termocandelaria It is anticipated that owners will change and that those interested can find the Chilean group Solari. In the electricity sector is also expected to sell 49% of the Power Authority of Pereira.

The multinational Glencore will invest with Ecopretrol, the expansion of the Cartagena refinery to increase crude oil processing from 75 000 to 150 000 barrels per day.

branch of trade in the privatization will proceed with Carulla Vivero compares the French Casino, while the Paris-based transnational, Danone, will take over Alpine and other companies.

The State will transfer ownership of 12.4% stake in Banco Popular, which is dominated mainly by the Organization Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo.

The intentions of the U.S. group General Electric will purchase blocks of shares from Bank Colpatria by 147 000 million pesos, to build a plant for the manufacture of water purification chemicals and the purchase of a company dedicated to the industrial activity. Munich Re will continue to strengthen its actions in Inversura, holding health professionals and insurance risks GEA.

Great international hotel chains will fall firmly on the tourism sector where they plan to take over the major industry of smoke in almost all cities. These appear Sonesta, Hyatt, Marriott, Hilton, NH and Fronpeca with an investment of close to four billion pesos.

As part of the agricultural settlement, the Instituto de Fomento Industrial (IFI) announced that the minority will it controls in the International Trading Promotion Banana and 9.3% in the highway concession Devinorte, Count sector consolidates the interests of transnational Cargill, Masisa (for wood) and Mapfre Seguros.

projects will be accompanied in new investments by U.S. air and European destinations expand frequencies to Bogota, Cali, Medellin and Cartagena.

The media will not be left behind in this piñata and was awarded the third private television channel for already pointed the Grupo Prisa, Spain, RTI-Telemundo, El Tiempo-Planeta, Televisa, Mexico and Cisneros Group of Venezuela.

The list is really long and not be related in one job, but the reality is that the Andean nation's government to these measures of early entry into the Free Trade Agreement with the United States which is selling the whole of Colombia.

Hedelberto López Blanch

Venezuela policy economy sale dollar + economy +

Monday, January 28, 2008

How To Create A Sympathy Guest Book

Social Movements VI ALBA Summit

ALBA Movimiento sociales banco del Alba more than three years ago in Havana, Cuba, resulted in the creation of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA), through the initiative of the presidents of Venezuela and Cuba, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, respectively. Over the years, entered the agreement, the Republics of Bolivia and Nicaragua, most recently at the Sixth Summit of Dominica joined Alba.

ALBA seeks to curb the interests of transnational capital that only seek to crush the poor and vulnerable countries of the continent, facing the intentions of the empire to take over the privileges of the southern lands and take advantage of its inhabitants. For this, the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America was born to stay. Their representatives will fight against poverty and social exclusion, one of the most serious problems facing the peoples of Latin America.

Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America gives priority to Latin American unity and negotiating sub-regional blocs, initiating consultation meetings to deepen the knowledge of the positions and identify areas of common interest, which will enable strategic associations. Similarly, claims that most fragile nations have sufficient tools to fend off the first power.

ALBA summits had been characterized as only meeting between the presidents of member countries, but in the V ALBA Summit held in Dyer, Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez, raised the proposal to include social movements in these meetings.

"ALBA without the soul of the ALBA nations would not be without the participation of social movements, not is the mechanism we need, we are not Presidents who are going to unite people, it is the people themselves who will have to unite and have to come together from the consciousness, "he said at that time with their peers.

But in the recently concluded VI ALBA Summit, held in Caracas, where different sectors of social movements that make life in each of the member countries gathered to discuss and propose solutions to the construction of a model of fair and equal life for all inhabitants of Latin America.

We must be very clear, in capitalism would never have held a meeting of this type, large monopolies do not give voice to those most in need because the need to continue operating and not let them emerge.

In the words of President Hugo Chávez, it is necessary that social movements participating in the summit of ALBA, as it is they who give solutions to problems. Also without the unification of peoples could not achieve the objective of ALBA, which is to remove the hand of the rule inquiring about the most vulnerable.

The Council of Social Movements is an important element of direct social unity and cooperation in the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America. This is a space-imperialist, neoliberal and committed to working towards obtaining higher levels of achievement, social justice and the real sovereignty of our peoples.

This initiative requires the Social Movements of the ALBA member countries need to articulate and non-members, identified with this effort, the responsibility to contribute to the development and expansion of ALBA process. The sixth summit included the participation of different sectors including women, youth, indigenous, students, workers, unions, health movements, among others.

By attending this summit we could talk with some of the participants of the Social Movements of Alba, who first voiceless at a summit of this nature.

Carlos Somera, who belongs to the Ministry of Popular Power for Indigenous Peoples of Venezuela, said that "social movements are fighting for the vindication of their rights and duties, has been a great advance the integration of indigenous peoples in the active participation and in building socialism and thus bring all the necessary contributions to our sister countries to improve the quality of life. "

indicated that in the case of Bolivia, there is a people who are looking to share as well as Venezuela, the experience to achieve the construction of a model country where everyone has access to equity, equality and all rights.

also Rene Vidanne, belonging to the peasant sector of Bolivia, said that "social movements in Bolivia are always available to continue the new constitution of government policy, not stay there, but rather know that we want to turn right, but we will not be anywhere, on the contrary, we are working like ants to form the basis and thus further our Constituent Assembly. "

Meanwhile, Florentino Barrientos, Secretary General of the Confederation of Peasants Bolivia, reported that its presence in Caracas, responds to your interest in the ALBA, "we must strengthen it, we must push. We hope that these projects will help our people and that can save us somehow and get to benefit our partners and our communities. "

remember that the Bolivian peasant movements are up in arms for over 100 years, since the empire wants to dominate Bolivia. For this reason, the Confederation of Peasants in the process of campaigning with the new constitution submitted by the President Evo Morales, who as indigenous and peasants also suffered the ravages of poverty.

Another participant in the Council of Social Movements in the VI ALBA Summit was Joel Suarez, coordinator General Martin Luther King Memorial Center in Havana, who called the Alba as a process of integration in the Bolivarian spirit and under the principles of complementarity, cooperation and solidarity.

Suarez said that the Council of Social Movements of ALBA is an innovation, as well as involving not only social movements of the ALBA member countries but also the social movements of other countries.
explained that the objective is to define what is the council's mission, strategies and action structure so that anytime soon undergo a major hemispheric meeting of all American nations that support the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America.

"Social movements within the Cuban people have had first high solidarity. Second, social movements have a prominent Cuban involvement in networks and campaigns against free trade, militarization and anti-debt, "said Suarez.

also Luzbelia Marin, the Women's Movement spokeswoman Manuelita Saenz and Council of Social Movements of ALBA, said: "In principle we have made a policy statement where we have defined our anti-imperialist, anti-neoliberal and included in this framework, the need for our women to be incorporated in all it has to do with the benefits of ALBA. "

For this social leader, Women, in recent times has played an important role in politics and in society, ceased to be only a housewife and mother, and took to the streets to fight for their rights and duties, the proof is the participation of women in the Council of Social Movements of ALBA.

"One of the things that we have established as a principle is that all our policies and all our documentation, that has to do with projects submitted must have a gender perspective by a view that poverty has a female face, there are 800 million poor people in America and 70% are women. The plan to attack poverty, we have to have a gender because women are poorer, "said Marin.

were present at this meeting represented the most oppressed and disadvantaged sectors of society in the member countries of ALBA, seeking to ensure a clamor, a cry, a listing of those areas where you have to do with the planning activities and actions of the board of social movements, which together Governments contribute to the progress of each country. Mayra Lily closed (MinCI)
Photo: Representatives of social movements participating in the Fourth Summit of ALBA (Luis Laya)
View: Chávez and the Bank of ALBA: another struggle for integration


tourism in Venezuela

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Brown Tinged Discharge

Economy and Finance USA. 2008: the year in which the system is part of Venezuela

2008 will be unforgettable. It will be the year that THINGS to snap. It will be a fateful year inevitably deadly for U.S. economy and especially for the banking sector. Nothing fixed it.

offer some solutions in the last paragraph of this note. I find all valid propositions in the real world. But we do not live in the real world, but rather in a world of fairy tale. A fairy tale world where the U.S. hegemonic obsession Wall Street and smother the whole system is a policy social.Inflacionar not return until complete collapse occurs.

Treason is rampant, plump abounds everywhere, but they call it "Game Over". All solutions tried so far trying to shore up the existing system, not change it, to enable Wall Street sold to morons contaminated many titles can be damaged assets, and to prevent any possible international trials against Wall Street firms.

In 2008, an alarming sequence is assured of enormous damage that will put a serious situation to the whole economic system and financial U.S. The powers survived the end of 2007, with an intense use of strips, rubber bands and paper clips, but reality continues to provide an endless sequence of insoluble problems, tragic, intractable. The pressure points are big banks suffering from insolvency, second-mortgage packages for massive losses, consumers without funds would have to rob to keep spending, a worsening housing market for stocks that are saturated, and problems to delve into the lending industry frozen by the insolvency and distrust. And with this we must add a global resentment fraud and strong-arm tactics of the U.S., especially during the last two decades.

What a prospect! Almost all of Wall Street firms are bankrupt, but are lucky to still control the major financial newspapers. Citigroup is completely with water to the neck, and inevitably will have to restructure, but do not want to admit the bankruptcy or file a formal request for bankruptcy.

heck, even Goldman Sachs might be bankrupt, if someday we could see a balance honest. The aim of the swaggering arrogance of Wall Street, who are clearly guilty of the biggest robbery ever seen since Rubin opened the door to rent [lease] of gold in the U.S. Treasury, is to pluck as much as possible their companies elite, in their personal benefit, before its insolvency, widely suspected, is recognized as an obvious bankruptcy. Suffocated in their own feces toxic mortgage securities and derivatives resulted leverage against him. The hidden factor is new Basel rules on accounting, from my point of view seems as if a bankruptcy judge ordered a Discovery Phase of bank assets during a bankruptcy proceeding. As expected, Wall Street firms continue to operate in disregard of the rules, to create a new balance sheet item lunatic third category (Tier-3). The greatest feat to date is that Wall Street urged Congress to adopt a freeze on subprime mortgage, dubbed 'The Teaser Freezer' [the freezer teaser] in clever tones. An inner voice tells me that Basel might push for prosecution of the criminals of Wall Street bankers. While

keep my predictions for 2008 for Hat Trick Letter, I can be taking part this advance. First, the Royal Comedy us delight that has become U.S. presidential politics Many images, promises empty slogans attractive to the campaign coffers full, all accompanied by a procession of useless charlatans all promising real hope. Despite all the promises they have done nothing not a single thing other than the country from its disastrous path, about the war, economy, taxes, budget, etc.. Do not expect anything at all, in terms of a change, none of the presidential candidates posibilidades.Todos very small, very dwarf, not height. If one revolutionary candidate in particular was raised by voters, will probably end his life early, "accidentally" of course. The hidden secret that seems to come the surface is that the neoconservatives are neither Republicans nor Democrats.

The current Bush is a known Neocon, a bizarre label, incidentally. From my point of view, Clinton was also a neoconservative, a different thing than most traditional Democrats. His central policy was to create the foundations for a Fascist Business Model, which ended the financial sector merged with the state. Two candidates, one from each party, one after the neoconservative regime otrorepresentan uninterrupted and inexorable march toward a militarized state, but my pen is not political. Somehow, the name does not sound so appealing neo-fascist American voters as the mysterious Neocon. Call a spade a spade and spade! Many executive orders justify the meaning of the label. A pathetic fact is that in my travels and conversations with countless American adults, I conducted an experiment extremely disturbing. After 40 questions asking "What is Fascism?" To my countrymen, not a single correct answer given. After all, a nation has the government it deserves. U.S. is in a sad but unstoppable march to Third World status, complete with a totalitarian regime. Nothing can stop this way. One hundred years ago, called the government HLMencken U.S. From the best government that money can buy, and deemed the American landscape was so attractive like any circus. Nothing has changed, only the depth and severity.

    2008 began with a resumption of the murmur of collapse disorder, a resumption of the rise in gold, and new chapters in the throes of bankruptcies of large banks, and possibly an almost total loss of respect in U.S. Federal Reserve But the word "bankrupt" modestly will not be used until a big bank actually files an application of bankruptcy. The collateral damage included the collapse of most bond insurers, which are maintained in an absolutely corrupt, scoring triple'AAA. " The collateral damage included the collapse of most homebuilders. However, the center of the misfortunes of 2008 will be the BANKRUPTCY OF FIRST MORTGAGE (OR LOW RISK), which will feel like the stage collapsed through the floor of the Victoria Theatre

    Falling values housing will continue for another 5% and 10% in the new year, destroying portfolios of low-risk mortgages and their bonds. The whole debacle will carry U.S. banking system, and is now reeling drunk, like a stunned boxer after suffering ten laps of pure beating, bloodied, wobbly, dizzy, blurred vision. The mortgage debacle will extend to the territory of the commercial properties, to an extent that can not be estimated.

    People were deceived for almost a year on the mortgage debacle that was intended to circumscribe such a phenomenon restricted to subprime mortgages (second-, or high risk). The tip of the iceberg is what is visible, that is the problem of a total mortgage debacle. In 2008, an avalanche will occur in the species defaulted mortgages rates variable interest, of which California is the epicenter and the most famous ruin. U.S. lending institutions used to pride themselves on their "innovation" in mortgage products, like fully borrowed down payments, like paying less interest than accumulates, like the borrower having no income and no job. Nonsense. Make universal ridicule. In the seventies, suffered stagflation. It was an unpleasant. In 2008, we will suffer much more serious attack of stagflation, with continued recession USeconómica (in its third consecutive year for those based on the true reality), inflation increases prices (which is now above 10%) that is sure to attack even the doctored Consumer Price Inflation (CPI). In fact, 2008 may see some progress with the adoption by the CPI component of housing prices and the postponement of the owner's equivalent rent, a conspicuous progress.

    The resulting reflection of the central damage will affect the USeconomía, both by an exhausted consumer and a lending climate reluctant to provide credits needed urgently. It is clear that the dependence of the entire economy of movement of the consumer is risky. Family groups will not pay for car purchase loans and cards Credit as an echo to mortgages, resulting particularly in a severe loss of independence and freedom. You can live free in a house, but not driving a car or using credit cards for a long time without pay. To complicate the problem of credit supply, Wall Street burned our allies thoroughly deceiving. We must expect a reaction in 2008, including international ugly lawsuits and unexpected rupture of crystals on Wall Street like a Kristallnacht [the night of broken glass in Nazi Germany, N.del T.] delayed for seven years . The entire banking system go bankrupt this year in the U.S., in a highly visible, while the world watches horrified. The nation with the duty of care of the world's reserve currency, the dollar, the U.S., will suffer a failed banking and bond markets, which undoubtedly will result in a grotesque USeconómica recession. Just come a little late. The parade of disasters will be overwhelming, and offer little respite. Even the Plunge Protection Team (PPT), armed with 150 billion dollars of money into black bags, stolen much of Fannie Mae, you can not stop the tsunami of sell orders on the stock market. Could focus on the biggest and worst corporations, but the collapse of the bank stock index reveals how the PPT only able to sustain the S & P500 index, but not their buddies in big banks. SADLY, 2008 IS THE YEAR THE SYSTEM JUST TO BE PART.

What will happen? ...

    People will run for cover. People react to a rising fury. Be fraught with anger and frustration, even cause riots isolated by rising food prices, by rising gasoline prices by an irregular supply, lost jobs from rising costs and outsourcing houses losses predatory lending followed by foreclosures. The suffering people will realize that their finances are not safe in banks, bank runs when they see fear in some cases and some stock accounts are frozen and are unavailable in the midst of bankruptcy of financial services conglomerates. The Glass Steagall Act, tested over time, made impossible the merger of banks, brokerages and insurance firms. It was a good law. Now, to go bankrupt banks, insurance agencies and stock will be in peligro.2008 IS THE YEAR IN WHICH THE SYSTEM JUST froze.


    The year 2008 will bring a level of confusion never seen before in the history of the nation. We will see economists befuddled, puzzling, lightheadedness, and without solutions. Politicians will be confused, looking for something to advocate, unsure of what is potentially effective. The entire argument of 'inflation against deflation' will become an insane debate, in which all sorts of ignorant nonsense ejected without knowing what is inflation, as is caused, and in which the devices no longer work when they move the levers. When inflation is misunderstood the concept becomes the accumulation of a huge cloud in order to confuse the masses. When the banking system is paralyzed, as is happening, the mechanisms that throw money into the system stop working. When banks distrust each other more than individuals in terms of their alleged collateral, the system stops working to distribute money, even at lower interest rates. Issuing loans for individuals will drop to a low priority.

    In 2006 came a huge event, which was the fatal jump in the apartment to an asset deflation. In 2007 there was another huge event, and was the somersault of mortgage packages to an asset deflation. With the continued disintegration of the entire price risk model, the powerful teeth of assets impairment, held by banks, the banks themselves become agents of all powerless to inflation (even if they wanted). Ironically, in reality, they are sold as credit derivatives, the U.S. dollar could benefit. Many writers speak of the president of the U.S. Reserve, Bernanke, may soon be presented with the task of throwing money from helicopters. Wow! Could it be that they are swallowing some stupid pills?! Events in the last four months have taught everyone who has a lucid brain, eyes concerned and an active pulse (which eliminates the majority of investors) that the U.S. Federal Reserve has become something just a little more than IRRELEVANT. The country's banking system is so broken that the LIBOR [the interbank interest rate is applied to the London capital market] has come to extreme stress.

    The hapless, clueless and reactionary U.S. Federal Reserve fails to recognize that it is an insolvency problem that afflicts the banking system, and can not deal with lower interest rates. Why will not reduce interest rates, since Goldman Sachs, acting as leader of the pack of sled dogs trained on Wall Street, is what has been ordered to do. But if lower rates do not solve the bank problem, why give us lower rates? Just because it says the stock market into a dangerous collapse. The system can not allow stock assets become devalued asset.

    the confusion in 2008 will focus on the challenge to actively produce price inflation, while support in bankrupt banks. Confusion will reign from requests to Bernanke to 'do their business of the helicopters' while the winds of deflation will be so intense that cash releases will spread into the vortex of deflation. The desperate calls for Bernanke forget the lessons of the past four months. His primary perceived plan is to rescue Wall Street banks, probably with far more redemptions, monetization, and refunds delivered in basements and hidden pieces that will never be known to the public. It is the nature of the Fascist Business Model: worry about the big corporations whose interests are merged with the U.S. government, bribery for members. The irony of massive infusions of money, either by injection of U.S. Federal Reserve or infusions of foreign capital is highly concentrated in the rescue of distressed banks by insolvency. Add money to an insolvent box, cuéntese as equity, and nothing is accomplished in terms of insolvency. The new partners only have a major part in the bankruptcy, best described as a vampire, a living dead. The system is not activated, no jobs are created, no new loans are granted.

    The confusion in 2008 lead to an increase of the measures, freezes, adoptions, government initiatives, and a great plan .. Each plan will be recognized as insufficient and limited, thus motivating a new measure to the desperate. The "Great Trust Corporation in the resolution" will receive extensive powers and governed for a decade, with a possible creation of a cabinet appointment. Other unpleasant irony is festering. Neither the government nor Congress is prepared to act to initiate ANY broad rescue yet, as the pigs in the first row would be thieves, thugs and crooks on Wall Street, whose fingerprints are all over the mortgage bond debacle laced with criminal fraud. So the entire banking system will continue sliding into the quicksand. Once politicians are involved, the problem gets worse, exception.

+ / - Gold will rise ...

    Gold will rise from gradual recognition that the banking system has been destroyed. Gold will rise from the perceived need to generate price inflation, whether they are successful these efforts, a concept of expectation. Gold will rise from the wars to be competitive currency, printing more money urgently nations to seek to postpone the recession and grotesque asset deflation. The slowdown will also affect China, where they have begun to raise prices, perhaps charged of overcapacity. Gold will rise primarily because the global circulation of money is increasing at an astronomical rate, think Weimar, think globally. Gold will rise because the living will realize that the disunited States might want another war as a distraction from the people, in the midst of serious crisis. Gold will rise in response to the failures of most policy initiatives, which will be perceived as symptoms of a systemic breakdown. Gold will rise to continue the global revolt against the U.S. dollar, is today the focal point in the Persian Gulf nations, who must fend off the ravages of inflation. The entire argument of price inflation is somehow the straw man fallacy, in a broad sense. The decline of U.S. dollar has led to increased costs, not wages, and the result is projected economic shocks on the American landscape. This stimulates the monetary inflation. If there were China (n. of. T. whose productivity gains is the subject matter "deflation", ie the opposite of inflation), it could quickly generate a price inflation. However, the system can not produce inflation without destroying the whole system of U.S. Treasury Bonds, and that higher inflation will push up interest rates long term, which would crush the Bonds as a savings option and put upside down the pyramid of credit derivatives. Further evidence that the U.S. Federal Reserve is the most irrelevant player in the game. Gold will rise when the balloon finally realizes that the Federal Reserve, traditionally the most powerful among the central banks, is impotent, toothless and irrelevant.

    The chaos in the financial sector will be completed by the growing chaos in the beehive of the USeconomía, business complexes, neighborhood communities. We must expect an increase in illegal conduct, as chaos envelops the system. You have to expect a growth of disobedience civil, when people see that no one faces the serious problem of the serious crimes of Wall Street bankers and leaders of the U.S. government In 2008, the subtitles will discuss 1) BANKRUPTCY 2) CHAOS, 3) futility of INSTRUMENTS, 4) ABSENCE OF OPTIONS, 5) CONFUSION. Gold will rise in price when the subtitles appear in the press and media, planted with these messages. The system will break in 2008. The denials are laughable.


    The year 2007 will say goodbye a whole long list of celebrities. The music world lost Dan Fogelberg, Porter Wagoner, Ike Turner (beat me), and Tommy Newsome, plus opera stars Luciano Pavarotti and Beverly Sills. Hollywood and the entertainment world lost Joey Bishop, Joel Siegel, Charles Nelson Reilly, Jack Valenti, Tom Poston, Ingmar Bergman, Merv Griffin, Robert Goulet, Yvonne DeCarlo, Tom Snyder, Jane Wyman, and Marcel Marceau. The political arena lost LadyBird Johnson, Art Buchwald, Tom Eagleton, Henry Hyde. The literary world lost Sydney Sheldon, Norman Mailer, Kurt Vonnegut, and historian Arthur Schlesinger. The sports world lost Phil Rizzuto (the scooter) and recently Sean Taylor (Washington Redskins). Also disappeared restaurateur Bob Evans, televangelist Jerry Falwell, and astronaut Wally Schirra. The bizarre corner lost Tammy Faye (Baker) Messner, Leona Helmsley, Anna Nicole Smith, and Evil Knievel. Closer to me, my family lost my mother Maureen, who coined the name Jackass [dunce] to me, on my way outgoing persistent, stubborn and mischievous. He called me with affection "My adorable rascal." The cast deeply missed, we feel its effect.


    Greed is powerful, especially when it has been subjected to those who have been in charge of the world's reserve currency for decades. The suspension of the Bretton Woods institutions, for which the U.S. dollar was backed in gold, unleashed Pandora's Box of financial woes. The misuse of the issue (Monetary inflation) as a remedy for excessive debts is perhaps the most pernicious destructive phenomenon of the last century. Evil in disguise, monetary inflation kills entire industries, fleeces savers completely, transforms asset managers into casino players, and causes a sharp cost inflation, all of which impoverishes a nation. Tragically, all nations who hitched their monetary carriage of the "disunited states" risk tremendous damage because they are, or will be, importing U.S. inflation. See what happens in Saudi Arabia, across the Gulf countries, including Hong Kong. The competing currency wars make them all victims. The latest deaths occur in nations whose currencies rise, since they enjoy a rush of investment and enjoy reduced costs, but their export trade is strongly affected.

    The family dinner tables in the birth, in fact, Hat Trick Letter my father, me asked repeatedly, what solutions might exist. Professor of literature, not versed in financial matters, tired of my incessant talk about the incorrigible nature of the current system. My pragmatism is liable for constructive mood. My constant reply was that the system would resist any changes because they cause severe pain to the system and its leaders, the Ruling Elite. My answer, which seemed insolent article was that a solution would be a futile exercise. My proposal then was ten solutions, until he realized were totally impractical in those days. Now, four years later, my list should look like comic and totally outside the realm of the possible. But from a sense of humor and honesty, here goes: HOW TO FIX


    dismantle the U.S. Federal Reserve

    support the U.S. dollar gold, silver, charcoal or fresh water from the Great Lakes or something.

    balance the U.S. government budget

    end the practice of monetizing all deficits, all losses, or anything that goes wrong, as a solution to all problems.

    Strengthen all necessary regulations against excesses in futures contracts

    eliminate all the lobbyists who hover continuously over the

    Congress to dismantle the network of contractors / lobbyists for military defense.

    end all fractional banking practices (that make it possible to pay $ 10 for every dollar received in deposits)

    do much more strict all the accounts, chasing

    crimes severely severely limit the creation of credit derivatives contracts.

    prosecute the perpetrators of the theft of $ 1.500.millones Fannie Mae (1988 to 2000)

    Goldman Sachs to separate the management of the Department of Treasury, due to risks of abuse of confidential information.

    JP Morgan separate from the U.S. Federal Reserve, on the risks of insider trading and collusion against the public interest.

    prosecute JP Morgan for instigating fraudulent practices in the Enron case (bankruptcy fraud)

    end all conversations and dealings among regulators and Wall Street
    not give any more home mortgage loans by 100 % of property value, ie which do not involve an outlay of at least 30% of the loan recipient.

    end all private deals between Chinese leaders and Wall Street regarding the actions that come to IPO [(Initial Public Offering) First IPO of a company in the stock market]

    dismantle at least 75% of all U.S. military bases, leading the soldiers back home

    dismantle any involvement of agencies U.S. security in smuggling activities.

    dismantle the Bank of Baghdad as a clearinghouse for such traffic.

    dismantle all intimate relations between the U.S. armed forces with the oil company Halliburton (n. of t: "intimate" of Dick Cheney, U.S. Vice President)

    reinstall a broad U.S. manufacturing base.

    establish frameworks for syndication foreign bankruptcy for the structure and politics of U.S. capital

    give China, Japan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council Persian seats in the U.S. President's Cabinet

    give China, Japan, Saudi Arabia and CCGP veto power on U.S. federal budget

    create a cabinet-level post for a special prosecutor for relations with the international tribunals

    create a special place at the cabinet level to implement the Resolution Trust Corp for the entire housing and mortgage problem

    promote numerous annual referendums on different topics, that would not depend on Congress in a few large matters of public interest.

    reduce the influence of Israel in dominating the policy on security and armed forces

    prohibit a U.S. citizen worked as director of the World Bank or International Monetary Fund

    end all tax incentives for companies to move abroad (which destroys jobs in the U.S.)

    complete end to the burden of the Alternative Minimum Tax

    rescind the Medicare payment system and its entire program reinstalled

    credible economic statistics for GDP, CPI [consumer price index], employment, and other items

    install settings appropriate Cost of Living on Social Security and pensions from the U.S. government

    introduce tax incentives for savings income outside pension schemes 401k and IRA.

    dismantle all concentration camps (there are 230) on U.S. soil, recently completed.

    Commission reopen a 11-S to really investigate, to produce a report that is verifiable, not a report of m. ... a cover-up.

    end all chemical experiments in the outer atmosphere that intend to acquire the capacity to control the weather

    free cures for cancer of the Medical Association U.S. that exist in Latin America (which are blocked).

    start a massive infrastructure repair in the U.S., a reconstruction initiative with foreign funding.

    admit to the world that the U.S. has become a Third World nation.

    OK, tell me: Is there the slightest chance of MAKING ONE ITEM? Happy New Year. Be sure to find shelter for truly deadly year ahead. Could it be that it is impossible to re-recognize the country when we open the page in 2009.

    Jim Willie CB, editor of "HAT TRICK LETTER"

    socialist economy + economy + usa business dollars