Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What To Write In A Wedding Card Coworker

Chavez spoke communal socialist economic system

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, stated that is working to establish a socialist communal economic system in each commune.

The announcement was made during the meeting with the Candidate militants United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), held in the Polyhedron of Caracas, on Tuesday night.

The Head of State noted that "this economic system will be managed by you the members of the communes.

said that" this is the only way to defeat poverty, to overcome poverty and achieve the greatest happiness possible for people to talk only about the economy. "

On this point, President Chavez said "So we have to give an example of the impacts, benefits will be constitutional reform. tell me the issue of reducing working hours from eight to six hours daily or 36 weekly . "

insisted that workers can not be enslaved by anybody. "The proposal I have for national public employees, and I hope the governors and mayors will follow this line will be discussed with the workers, nothing will be imposed."


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