Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rosalind Hursthouse Beliefs On Abortion

South Bank Economic Benefits of the Constitutional Reform

APPROVE the reform is to accelerate social and economic
The Constitutional Reform Project aims to integrate fundamental to the Constitution of communal power structures and accelerate social and economic transformation. See Constitutional Reform Proposal Final
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This article is part of the puzzle that has to do with all the socioeconomic model of our country, the powers and duties of the Central Bank of Venezuela and Coordination Macroeconomic Policies. The wording of Article 321 reads verbatim as follows: "legislation shall provide for a stabilization fund aimed at ensuring macroeconomic stability in state expenditure levels municipal, regional and national levels to fluctuations in revenue. The operating rules of the fund shall observe basic principles of efficiency, equity and non-discrimination between the public organs contributing resources to it. "

The proposed reform is posed as follows: " As part of its function Management of international reserves, the Head of State shall, in coordination with the Central Bank of Venezuela and at the end of each year, the level of reserves necessary for the national economy, and the amount of excess reserves, which funds are available go to the National Executive productive investment and infrastructure development, financing of missions and, ultimately, the integral, endogenous, humanist and socialist nation. "

This article and the creation of this Fund is to be an extremely important to offset fluctuations in revenue, and largely due to fluctuations in oil prices, the Macroeconomic Stabilization Fund was the result of a law in 2003, aimed at ensuring the stability of state expenses municipal, regional and national levels to fluctuations in revenue.

This law was created in order to generate savings for the Venezuelan state and to avoid the decline in social spending during downturns in oil revenues, the National Assembly passed the reform law that created the Macroeconomic Stabilization Fund (FEM) in 2005. In this regard, the reform focused on adapting and give the FEM operation so that it can absorb the impact of fluctuations (fall) in revenue in order that any reduction in public spending.

In boom periods, generally increase in current expenditure and capital expenditure, which is invested in social programs and some infrastructure. In periods of recession Governments are forced to cut spending levels which produced budget cuts are made at the expense of these programs, making the implementation of development policies and ongoing investment.

The creation of the EMF fundamental purpose is to counteract the harmful effects on our economy generated by the volatility of oil prices which have a major impact on the nation's total income. Oil tax revenues are the most relevant to the Venezuelan government. Contributions

Macroeconomic Stabilization Fund
Within the economic benefits arising Reform Act of Macroeconomic Stabilization Fund are:

a) Macroeconomic stability. Fiscal and monetary balance and reducing the pro-cyclical behavior (unstable swings in cycles) of expenditure.

A stabilization fund operating and well-designed print a more stable fiscal spending during periods of increased revenue by disruptions in oil prices. This causes the aggregate demand for fiscal origin is stable and not rise sharply from this type of disturbance.

established reform will result avoid instability on other variables such as relative prices exchange, the costs of public and private investment, employment, real exchange rate, inflation and balance of payments, by avoiding situations such as generating inflationary prices and trends of real exchange rate appreciation or depreciation.

b) Ability to save the state on the basis of all national economic reality and not just in terms of external behavior of oil prices. The defining rule and accumulation of contributions to the FEM experience in the proposed amendment is substantive and does not depend on the behavior of oil tax revenues.

This can be seen in Article 9: "The National Executive allocated in the Budget of the Republic, the Macroeconomic Stabilization Fund an amount equal to not less than twenty percent (20%) of the excess, in real terms and comparable between income and expenditure incurred in immediately preceding fiscal period in order to sustain the rate of economic growth, public investment and social spending levels needed. " Social benefits

Macroeconomic Stabilization Fund
Accordingly, the main benefits that are generated from FEM reform are:

a) Improvement in quality of life of people product of macroeconomic stability. The very fact that public spending does not have a pro-cyclical behavior generates the level of spending is maintained over time and investment in the social aspect are constant. Consequently, the reformation proposed as solutions to this variability in revenue, public expenditure on social aspects present greater stability.

b) Reduced drop out of school. Economic studies show that in the Venezuelan case, the education sector is one element that is most affected by the volatility of oil prices. Generally, "the negative economic shocks force many families to withdraw their children the education system. Later, when the situation is reversed in periods of prosperity, most children do not return the system or simply fail to fit. " In this sense, the decline in public spending reduces the number of seats available, resulting in conditions of exclusion and dropout.

Productivity and transparency in public administration
Within the major institutional benefits generated by the reform of the FEM can be found:

a) Adequacy of the Law on the Elimination of PDVSA as part of the fund. Since the saving of the state oil occurs through the National Development Fund (Fonden) and the Country Development Fund (FONDESPA) for the economic development of the nation, has its obligation to savings within the FEM. Therefore, the adjustment should occur in all standards for adequacy of the new law

b) Increased administrative efficiency in managing the fund. The problem of the state, from the institutional point of view, is to manage resources received mitigating or avoiding adverse effects on the economy (inflation pressures for increased spending, appreciation or neutralization of the recessionary effects in the case of a disturbance negative for oil prices).

c) Increased transparency in the implementation of withdrawals and evaluation capacity of the Fund's management. For removal of Fund resources include notification to the Standing Committee on Finance of the National Assembly and the Comptroller General of the Republic, and is included in the draft estimates of the procedure in the event of a declaration "State of Economic Emergency," according to the specificity of this course of withdrawal and use of resources accumulated in the FEM, as is laid down in Article 17 of the amended Act.

These changes are creating more transparency since monitoring external institutions the operation and the conditions regarding the execution of the draw-FEM.

If I major in the reform proposal substantially improves the existing Article 321, because if we constitutionalising what the law is doing this fund, which is that under the stewardship of resources and reserves international, the Head of State shall, in coordination with the Central Bank of Venezuela, and at the end of each year, the level of reserves necessary for the national economy, and the amount of excess reserves, which are allocated to Funds available to the National Executive for productive investment, development and infrastructure financing of missions and, ultimately, the integral, endogenous, humanist and socialist nation. That is, it would create, not just a single fund, but would be many funds and in various areas, which gives the State flexibility in transferring resources to the development of areas of special significance for our people and even solve their most pressing needs.

This is another reason to say YES to this reform reform.

Socialist Fatherland or Death! We
Juan Matorano
lawyer and political analyst. Candidate a member of the United Socialist Revolutionary Movement of Venezuela (MSURBV). Moderator of the "Revolutionary Path" aired on Mondays and Fridays from 6 to 7 pm on 880 AM Circuito Radio Venezuela Ciudad Guayana, together with the Deputy of the National Assembly by the Edo. Bolivar, Rafael Rios Bolivar.

dollar +

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What To Write In A Wedding Card Coworker

Chavez spoke communal socialist economic system

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, stated that is working to establish a socialist communal economic system in each commune.

The announcement was made during the meeting with the Candidate militants United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), held in the Polyhedron of Caracas, on Tuesday night.

The Head of State noted that "this economic system will be managed by you the members of the communes.

said that" this is the only way to defeat poverty, to overcome poverty and achieve the greatest happiness possible for people to talk only about the economy. "

On this point, President Chavez said "So we have to give an example of the impacts, benefits will be constitutional reform. tell me the issue of reducing working hours from eight to six hours daily or 36 weekly . "

insisted that workers can not be enslaved by anybody. "The proposal I have for national public employees, and I hope the governors and mayors will follow this line will be discussed with the workers, nothing will be imposed."

Thursday, November 1, 2007

How To Change Your Clothes In Poptropica

60% and 40% increase in wages three months of bonuses to workers

Doctors receive a 60% increase in their salaries, while teachers receive a 40%. Bonuses will be canceled in two parts, 60 days in November and 30 days in December

Minister for People's Power Finance Rodrigo Cabezas, said on Wednesday that during the Council of Ministers approved a number 545 extra credit for increasing the salaries of doctors and teachers, and the payment of year-end bonus to employees of public administration which will benefit 2 million 440 thousand public workers.

From the Newsroom Simón Bolívar Miraflores Palace, the head minister explained that the adoption of the Presidential Decree 5658, by authorizing the payment of salary 90 days integral to public service workers, for the year-end bonus.

also reported that 7.5 trillion bolivars approved for payment of bonus, which will be paid in two parts: 60 days in November and the rest in December and thereby benefit two million workers and 440,000 workers public sector.

regard to salary increases for doctors and teachers, the head minister reiterated that the first group has a 40% increase, while the doctors are on salary increase by 60%.

The additional appropriation approved for this purpose amounts to 1 trillion 259 billion bolivars, including year-end bonus with a corresponding increase.

Presidential Press Office / (Belén Sánchez)


Miranda Cosgrove Hula

Venezuela Constitutional Reform is inspired by the world's most advanced early

constitutional reform promoted by President Hugo Chávez and which are open forums for discussion in Venezuela, "was inspired by the principles of constitutional law most advanced in the world."

This was stated by Deputy Foreign Minister for North America and Multilateral Affairs, Jorge Valero, in a lecture this Wednesday at 47 º Course for Officers of American Defense College (IADC), an agency attached to the IADB , which is an international educational institution of Defense, offering professional courses, multidisciplinary officers the highest levels of member countries of the Organization American States.

corresponded to the Deputy Minister Jorge Valero lecture on "The Current Situation in Venezuela" as the universal interest it has generated the revolutionary government of our country.

XXI century socialism toward which points the proposed constitutional reform, said it does not intend to copy any model and indicated that "respect for human rights and their full force is the reason for the Bolivarian Socialism." He said

are apparent from the results of the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela "will implement public policies that universalize rights." He added that the challenge now is to deepen these achievements "to achieve in Venezuela a socialist society with a human face."

Click to read text of the conference


    Conference Ambassador Jorge Valero, Vice Minister for North America and Multilateral Affairs and Permanent Representative to the OAS.

    Washington DC., October 31, 2007.

    proclaims the great Irish poet WB Yeats "... has always nurtured the dream world." Redemptive dreams inspire Venezuelans in this historical time. Times change sign for our country. Changing times roam in our continent. We are on the threshold of a new era, where it will be possible to realize the higher ideals of humanity: freedom, justice, equality, solidarity among all human beings.


    In 1999 Venezuela started a process of change unprecedented in the nation's history. The election victory of President Hugo Chavez made possible the adoption by referendum of the new Bolivarian Constitution, which was foreshadowed a new national project.

    The novel constitution established a new conception of democracy: the participatory democracy. Extended branches of the National Government, by adding to the classic distribution of power, inherited from the French Revolution, the moral power and the electoral branch.

    The 1999 Constitution gave constitutional rank to international treaties, signed by the Republic, human rights. Established the freedom of association and participation, beyond the right to vote. Guaranteed free education and health. Environmental rights enshrined in favor of sustainable development and conservation of our planet.

    Human rights are the lifeblood of the Constitution Bolivariana. Civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights were recognized and expanded in the Constitution.

    Innovative Constitution of 1999 established four types of popular referendum: the Advisory, the recall, the approbatory and abrogation. In no country in the world except in Venezuela, has enabled the recall referendum against the President of the Republic. Venezuelans, however, widely ratified support for the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution: Hugo Chávez Frías.


    On August 15, 2007, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela submitted to the National Assembly and the Venezuelan people a Draft Constitutional Reform.

    A wide debate is taking place in Venezuela on Reform, a living example of participatory democracy, where millions of Venezuelans express their views freely.

    Venezuela advances of a representative democracy to participatory democracy. In a limited democracy, dominated by a few, to a true democracy in which all citizens and citizens, take-as-responsible-the conduct of public affairs.

    Constitutional Reform is based on the principles of constitutional law advanced in the world, and responds to changes demanded by the current transformation process peaceful and democratic, which take place in our country.

    Constitutional Reform upholds the fundamental principles of the current Constitution. Venezuela is and will remain a democratic and social state of law, which enshrines fundamental values \u200b\u200bas freedom, justice, equality, solidarity, democracy, in which respect human rights and political pluralism.

    Venezuela is and always will be, as stated in our constitution, a democratic, participatory, elective, decentralized, pluralistic and revocable mandates. The reform raises

    create a democratic society citizens. All human beings living in the homeland of Bolívar, without discrimination, will be entitled to the city. There is an indissoluble

    interconnection between democracy and citizenship rights. A report of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) states that to develop democracy is necessary to extend the right to citizenship. In that sense, the constitutional reform proposed in Venezuela deepens democracy in Venezuela, to enshrine citizenship for all.

    In the same report argues that reducing poverty requires "that the poor have political power." This is precisely what is sought with the Constitutional Reform.

    Reform giving constitutional status to the People. Transferred to the people organized as a repository of sovereignty, prerogatives that are now reserved for municipal power agencies, state and national levels.

    is important to note that the Venezuelan people, exercising their sovereignty, have the right to recall any elected official, including President of the Republic, if it does not meet your expectations. In this sense, maintaining the validity of Article 72 of the 1999 Constitution, which states that "All magistrates and other offices are revocable popular choice."

    The Constitutional Reform recognizes and guarantees various forms of ownership: Public, Social, Community, Citizen, collective, mixed and private. S and promote economy poses in terms of social justice. It encourages the common good and not maximum profits. We postulate the elimination of monopoly and landlordism, evils of capitalism and feudalism, which still exists in Venezuela.

    Reform contains innovative proposals aimed at building Bolivarian socialism in Venezuela. A Socialism in democracy and freedom. An original and proper Socialism. A socialism that springs from the heart of the Venezuelan society, which is based on the best traditions of revolutionary, democratic and popular that holds our people.

    Venezuelan socialism is not intended, therefore, copy any model. Respect for human rights and their full force is the reason for the Bolivarian Socialism.

    Bolivarian Socialism is part of a peaceful revolutionary process. And it seems contradictory to speak of peaceful revolution, when the revolutions in history have certainly been marked by violence. I had told the great theorist Karl Marx: "Violence is the midwife of history."

    Venezuela has deprived conditions and flourish for a culture of peace and tolerance.

    progress in building a true democracy, with equality and inclusion full force of social and democratic freedoms.

    moving towards social cohesion, through the enjoyment of each and all of the material and spiritual goods that God and Mother Nature, have left the Venezuelan people.

    are moving in peace, though small sectors in Venezuela are willing to use violence to prevent the Venezuelan revolutionary process, to be successful. This happened during the coup and the sabotage of the oil industry.


    The successes of the Bolivarian Revolution are obvious. Venezuela implemented in public policies that universalize rights.

    United Nations agencies and OAS and UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, ECLAC, WHO and PAHO have recognized the economic and social achievements reached in such a short time, the government of President Hugo Chávez Frías.

    Since the last quarter of 2003 to early 2007-and for 14 successive quarters, gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an average of 12.6%, a record unprecedented in world economic history.

    During the Venezuelan government has increased social investment. It is envisaged that 46% of GDP, the budget of 2008, is intended for social investment. 21% of it, will go to education. Percentage which far exceeds world standards in social investment. Never before had faced poverty and inequality with such determination.

    Goals and Millennium Development Goals, set by the United Nations, met in Venezuela with resounding success. Some of these targets by 2015 have already been fulfilled.

    The National Institute of Statistics of Venezuela, poverty reached 43.9% in 1998, dropping to 30.4% in 2006.

    In turn, extreme poverty in 1999 reached 21%, and decreased to 9% in 2006.

    The infant mortality rate has dropped considerably. 19% in 1999 has fallen to 14.2% in 2006, a decrease of 25.1%.

    The Bolivarian government food programs have contributed to the Venezuelan consume 2,200 calories daily rate considered acceptable by the FAO.

    Millions of students have joined the various sub-systems. In 1999 Venezuela had 5,672,107 students enrolled. This year we 13.500.00. Venezuela was declared by UNESCO a territory free of illiteracy in October 2005.

    The state of education and health reflect the level of a country's development and quality of life. Education and health are rights of all Venezuelans. No wonder the UNDP has indicated that the Human Development Index increased from 0.69 in 1998 to 0.88 in 2006.

    The government of President Hugo Chavez considers, however, that these achievements are not enough. The challenge now is to deepen our revolution to achieve in Venezuela a socialist society with a human face.


    Bolivarian Revolution inspired by the transcendent thought the father of our country, Simon Bolivar. The Liberator said in 1820:

    The man has no honor
    country than that which protects the rights of citizens and
    respecting the sacred nature of humanity
    : ours is the
    mother of all men free and fair,
    irrespective of origin and condition.

    Venezuela hopes at this historic time fulfill the unfinished work of Simón Bolívar. The Bolivarian Revolution that is currently taking place in my country, within a framework of full democratic freedoms and true exercise of human rights, fully assumes its humanistic heritage.

    Ora / VTV / MPPRE

    constitutional hugo chavez Venezuela PSUV Bolivarian Revolution