Saturday, October 27, 2007

Damask Pattern In Microsoft

Redenomination-Bolivar Fuerte

For more detailed information about currency redenomination in Venezuela visit

The portrait on the obverse, the presence for the first time monetary history of an image women and the contribution to the environmental struggle aimed at preventing the extinction of endangered species, are just three of the innovations that displays the new bills Venezuela, presented Wednesday by the president of Banco Central de Venezuela, Gaston Parra, on the board of the issuer company, and that people have on their hands from 1 January 2008, when they enter into circulation alongside the new coins.

The brand new monetary cone next year, consists of six bills and seven coins in denominations expressing a lower level and make it simple monetary transactions with amounts of money. Currency continue with the name of "bolivar" but to distinguish it from the current unit, temporarily will be called "strong bolivar." This is represented by the symbol "Bs.F.." Once the current banknotes and coins ceased to circulate and the public are familiar with the new unit, the Central Bank of Venezuela published notices relating to the re-use only the word "bolivar."

- Francisco de Miranda : 2 Bs.
- Peter Camejo : 5 Bs.
- Cacique Guaicaipuro : 10 Bs.
- Luis Cáceres de Arismendi : 20 Bs.
- Simón Rodríguez : 50 Bs.
- Simon Bolivar : 100 Bs.


    Nationality and biodiversity

    The highest denomination bill is to Bs.100 (equivalent to Bs 100,000 currently). Dominated by brown, is on the front of the Liberator Simón Bolívar, reproduction an image taken from the portrait "diplomatic Bolívar" (1860), the artist Rita Matilde de la Peña and part of the collection of BCV. On the back, this piece shows the bird known as Siskin, considered one of the most endangered animal species in Venezuela. Also, joined a picture of Guaraira Repano or Avila, the eternal guardian of Caracas.

    sense of citizenship and respect for the country's biodiversity, which transmits the image combination is repeated in other denominations. Bs ticket 50 (equivalent to Bs 50,000 today), with green as the predominant color, shows on its face the teacher Simon Rodriguez, in a portrait of Juan Agustín Guerrero is now Heritage Museum and Temple of Heroes (Quito, Ecuador). On the reverse appears to only bear in South America, the spectacled, and a detail of the Laguna del Santo Cristo, in the Sierra Nevada National Park, State of Merida.

    The novelty of the female image is on the ticket of 20 Bolivars (Bs equivalent to the current 20,000), which brings front Luisa Cáceres de Arismendi, whom the royalists seized in an attempt to subdue her husband, the leader Juan Bautista Arismendi patriotic soldier. The portrait is of Emilio Jacinto Mauri and today can be seen at the headquarters of the National Assembly. This ticket is pink and in the reverse, endangered native species are represented by the hawksbill turtle, which spawns in Los Roques and the Blanquilla, while the rich national landscape is collected with a picture of Macanao mountains in the state of Nueva Esparta.

    Another novel aspect of the new notes are references to the ethnicity of the Venezuelans, present in parts of Bs 10 (equivalent to the current 10,000 Bs), whose predominant color is brown or terracotta, the appears Guaicaipuro chief of the Indians Teques and Caracas, and the Bs 5 (equivalent to the current 5,000 Bs), ocher, illustrated with Lt. Pedro Camejo (Black One), a leading member of the Republican forces in the War of Independence. The Indian warrior image is taken from the play "Maps and Venezuelan Allegories" by Venezuelan artist Pedro Centeno Vallenilla, part of the collection of the Central Bank of Venezuela, while the First Black is inspired by a bust of Antonio Rodríguez del Villar, who is in the Campo de Carabobo.

    The back of the tickets Bs 10 shows the Harpy Eagle, who lives in a large area of \u200b\u200bthe Americas, from Mexico to Argentina, the jump Ucaima and Deer and Kurun tepuyes in Canaima National Park in Bolivar State. For its part, the part of Bs 5 brings an image of the armadillo and the Venezuelan plains.
    In the last ticket is Bs 2 (equivalent to Bs 2,000 today), with Francisco de Miranda on the obverse, a portrait of Charles Ventrillon-Horber, original copy of Georges Rouget, which in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the dolphins (the largest freshwater whale in the world), Worm Flower and the dunes of Coro, Falcon State, on the back. Currencies

    bicolor, silver and red

    highest currency value is the Bs 1 (equivalent to Bs 1,000 today). With its outer ring and inner gold plated, because the combination of metals used in their manufacture, preserved on the obverse the effigy of the Liberator that was used for the first time in 1873, which was developed by the engraver of the Mint of Paris, Albert D. Barre. The reverse has the national emblem, the eight stars that identify the national flag, the number "1" and the inscription "República Bolivariana de Venezuela."

    coins of 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 cents on the obverse is identified by the number of its name and the eight stars of the national flag, while the 12.5 cents is decorated with graphics that symbolize synthesis palms. Parts 10, 25, 50 and 12.5 cents are silver, while those of 1 and 5 cents are reddish. All are on the reverse the national emblem and the inscription "República Bolivariana de Venezuela."

    images of the new banknotes and coins are available on the website

    chavez social


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