Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pantyhosing Wrestling

Bibliophiles The Hunger Games

I leave this video I found on The Blog of Hunger Games. Contains Spoilers the first book.
A scene full of emotion, that will make you relive what you felt reading it.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Project Tin Foil Boats

Interview with Javier Ruescas

bloggesfera Known in and out of it, while almost needs no introduction.
After published three books (and one in process), creating multiple web pages (and your blog ), working as a reporter and layout in the online magazine The Temple of a Thousand Doors "collaborate with several publishers and win the prize awarded by the Youth Literature III Feria del Libro de la Sierra west of Madrid, ( a moment to take air ) has shown that dreams can be fulfilled if you strive to achieve them.

Here you can find reviews of three novels:

Javier Ruescas has accepted that she did an interview and here is the result. Here are my questions and answers about the novels he has published, how to write, their relationships with other writers and his new project.

  • both Tempus Fugit Tales From Beleth as you consider the concept of "Destiny." Are you interested in the subject? What do you think about it?

I am very interested. The fact that there may be a higher power to decide for us intrigues me and frightens me equally, so I wanted to reflect in both stories this possibility and show different ways to deal with it.

  • Ruescas Javier had a good future as a writer, and surely it will do so, but when you were small and had clear your future or your soul has suffered some change? Did you clear that you wanted to be a writer or dreamed of being a fireman or an astronaut?

Hahaha ... thanks for your words. No, not always clear what he had done. That is why I got the idea for this book! As a child wanted to be a dolphin trainer and later actor. As for college, I did Bachelor of Health Sciences, started an engineering, I left, I went to work and eventually ended up studying journalism. You see, to Throughout my life I have suffered many of the Changes in Tempus Fugit story, but once I discovered I wanted to be a writer fought against odds to succeed.

  • What kind of Muses you resort to the time of writing (music, reading, people, movies)? Be careful with their curses.

Yes, the Muses can be very dangerous. My main inspiration books are. If at some point I get stuck, I pick a book off and I start reading. Sooner or later I end up restarting. Since then music, movies or just hanging out with my girlfriend or my friends, can trigger ideas too. Once you start working on a new story, your brain is ready to absorb like a sponge what happens around you and shape it so that you can get to fit that pattern you are drafting.

  • Why the love for dystopias? Why why do you think is becoming the literary theme of fashion?

If there is something we are passionate about young people is to ask "what-if ..." from a position of safety. Dystopias offer us that with a good dose of excitement, adventure and, of course, romance. The strange thing is that you have become fashionable before!

  • both "Curse of the Muses "as in" Tempus Fugit "we can see that the legends have much of reality do you believe in it? Is there a legend of our world that create true?

I believe that every legend has a basis in reality. I am sure that sometime, somewhere on this vast planet, something happened that led to one of the legends that are told today as folktales ...

  • Another common element Tempus Fugit and the Tales saga Beleth characters is the presence of thieves and have a female protagonist with a great character. Would you like more characters and such was coincidence?

He happened to be in both stories needed a female character with character. Furthermore, to deceive, I find much more fun to write than a languid and without motivation. Both Dunn and Hanna fight for their dreams, to defeat their enemies without looking back, although by far make efforts to hide it, have a heart as fragile as that of others.

As for the thieves, and Kleid Sírgeric are very, very different and their motivations are completely different. While the former is more the friend bully in the history, the other will have to rethink the only life he has known for deciding whether, really, that's what you should be doing ...

  • Do you put the book title before starting it or do you prefer leave it to the final? Do you ever changed?

For Tempus Fugit emerged almost at once that the rest of the story, but had no subtitles. "Thief of Souls" we choose between the publisher and me. As Beleth tales, in a first draft of the series was called "Moon Enchantment" and the first part of "Tales of Beleth" but ended up turning around because it made more sense, lol ...

I do not usually
hard to find them, but in the case of the third volume of the trilogy I had many problems and needed the opinion of my friends and my girlfriend to make up my mind.

  • Advance us something about your new projects, aside from Tales of Beleth III. Already have something in mind or on your mind now only the new book in the series? And you could not advance anything?

working on a new realistic novel, juvenile, without fancy, with lots of love, humor, music ... and a hint of criticism. Be told in first person ... and so far I can read, hehe. But there are also other projects in various stages of development. Time to time!

  • How would you describe your relationship with other writers? Does anyone you admire in particular?

Overall, very good. I love to match them in different acts and events throughout the English geography. Many of these writers I admire have become good friends. What else I can say? Among others, really admire Laura Gallego or Jose Antonio Cotroneo.

  • How did the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an Online Literary Magazine (The Temple of a Thousand Doors)?

response can be found here: http://www . eltemplodelasmilpuertas.com /