Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pursuit 2s Wrestling Shoes For Sale

On Sunday Play Video (3 ª delivery, or so I believe) will Versions

Touch Video On Sunday, a section in its title says it all. Today is Sunday, and plays video. Maybe it's a video clip a funny video or a trailer. You never know.

View a video of Glee, has reminded me that before this (great) version of the song Lucky by Jason Mraz, and had three more (at least I know). You can not miss any of the three, neither the first nor the last.


Sung by Leroy
(Superleroyvv & Pfcaulitz)


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Can I Takeflucloxacillin For A Chest Infection

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book) - International Day for the deaf

you know, the adventures of child-adolescent wizard will soon reach its end (on screen). So in this blog series to commemorate this marked a turning point in the history of juvenile literature. Ready?

I started special Recalling Harrry Potter

EDIT: (A thousand pardons to Books for Reading by not having realized that he had copied the title)

I do it with this review, the first book. A book We stepped into a new, magical world cross platform 9 3 / 4 .
Personally, before I saw the movie (I started reading the book but I became very heavy the first few pages) and it was not until after seeing "the Chamber of Secrets" and read the following two parts when I decided to read it. So, I was reading order: 3-4-1-2-5-6-7 (in English) and 7 in English.
Yes, a little weird, but I'm a fan of Harry Potter a little late.

Let's start with the review of truth.

Title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone ( Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone )
Author: JK Rowling
Home : ;
Binding: There are different editions. Editorial
: Salamandra

Synopsis: Harry Potter

has been orphaned and lives with his despicable aunts and the unbearable cousin Dudley. Harry feels sad and lonely, until one day he receives a letter that will change your life forever. Here we report that has been accepted as a student at Hogwarts boarding school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. From that moment, the fate of Harry gives a dramatic turnaround. In this school so special learn spells, great tricks and tactics of defense against dirty tricks. Becomes the school champion Quidditch, a sort of football that is played air mounted on broomsticks, and will be a handful of good friends ... although some fearsome enemies. But above all, learn the secrets that allow you to fulfill his destiny. Though not apparent at first sight Harry is no ordinary boy. It is a true magician!

Description without spoilers.
Little can be said of this book without spoilers. If you have not read the book, start by reading the synopsis you have above. Then, run to the library / shelf / nearest library, get it, and devour.
With it, you can catch the Hogwarts Express and travel to a school, a school for wizards in the Harry Potter is famous for 9 years (approximately) and it unknowingly. But Hogwarts hides much more than magic, games and friends, hidden secrets, dangerous beasts, magic dark and terrible enemies.
In this book, Harry is 11 years old, so this, along with the following two books are the books weaker (in terms of war, death and dark episodes) but not unattractive . It is also necessary to understand the plot of the following. Moreover, it introduces concepts that seemingly forgotten and unimportant, tomoarán a big role in the following volumes.
The book is the shortest of the three, but that does not mean that you run loads of adventure and enjoyment with each of the scenes. And beware of first impressions, nothing is what it seems in this saga. Review with spoilers

If you read this, it is because you know how it ends the book, right? If not, do not continue!

JK Rowling has a gift. Your gift is surprised when we least expect it, as does, for example, to make Quirrell in the bad bad this book, when all the suspicions we headed up to Snape. Even the highly intelligent
Hermione managed to find out.
is quite likely that the rivalry that pits Harry Hermione and Ron from the outset (the responsible young lady is always complaining about what others do wrong.) Thanks Troll, to unite these three characters that so many adventure we will enjoy! And it was needed between the three. If not ... How they could get to the Sorcerer's Stone? Each got the best of themselves: the strategy in the giant wizard chess, intelligence with potions and flying to get the key. Of course, only one would come to the end and I wanted to accomplish to stop the possession of the philosopher's stone.
Of course, a lot of courage, but Potter was unable to avoid passing out, and let out another who got rid of Quirrell and its "other face."
to know what you have, but this book captivated us all, right? If anyone knows why, they tell me. Rating

  • Format: 0.7 / 1
  • Characters: 1.7 / 2 (Not bad at all, but lack a maturity that come with The following books)
  • Narrative: 1'7 / 2 (Pretty fast and simple, although the first chapter is a little difficult to understand)
  • Originality: 1 / 1 (Nothing Like )
  • Final: 1'6 / 2 (too difficult to reach the final scene, and the final scene resolves in a couple of minutes)
  • Plot: 1.9 / 2 (giving money orders are dizzying)
  • Total 8'6 / 10
Score Special: Each ray is a point.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Vintage Cocktail Jewelry

What's cooking ... (I)

Outrage is what I felt this morning. I put in the background so you understand.

We were writing a story in class to practice on newspaper design. My partner and I have chosen one that spoke volumes about what JK Rowling told Oprah Winfrey on continue the Harry Potter saga.
Well, the teacher has suggested that the "entradeta" (which precedes a story and summarizing its contents) we put "Children's Literature" CHILD!

Really people still think that Harry Potter (and by extension Twilight, Memories of Idhún and other fantasy-themed book) is children's literature? The answer is yes, I have found a news item Internet also termed as infantile Harry Potter.

I do not like the distinction made on adult and juvenile literature. But even less than "lowering " children's literature children's gender. I say "relief" because they say with a sneer, assuming you have less quality, which is not true. For me, children are "Pocoyo" or "Teo goes to the park" (not to say I do not have grace and they can teach children a lot.)
Literature is that literature, art and entertainment . Nobody says that Picasso did not paint that Van Gogh adult painting made juvenile or child. Perhaps, an adult can enjoy more of their true meaning, but that does not mean you have to be reduced to an age group.

Harry Potter saga is becoming an increasingly dark and surprising: scenes of terror and death everywhere. At least, I would not say that it can be classified (even or even advisable) for an audience of less than 14-16 years.

The same could be said of many other works. A young person can read literature for children, youth or adult. An adult can read juvenile literature (Why not?) And even childish. Of course, a child of seven does not usually read "The Pillars of the Earth," but I do not think so marked require a classification (And even contemptuous).
And that's the basic problem, the scornful look that some give to the classification "youthful."

Literature is for everyone. If you like, classify it. But do not reject a book because it is not aimed at an audience of your age.