Friday, April 25, 2008

Consequence Fake Id Ontario

Workday capitalist and socialist workday

By: Michael A. Lebowitz
As May Day approaches, it is worth remembering four things that day:

1. For l @ s @ s workers on May Day is not holding a state holiday or a gift from him, but commemorates the struggle, from below-de l @ s @ s. worker

2. Initially, the first of May focused on the struggle for a shorter workday.

3. The struggle for shorter working hours is not an isolated struggle but the struggle against capitalist exploitation.

4. The struggle against capitalist exploitation is an essential part but not the only part of the general struggle against capitalism.

Today I present some ideas relating to working hours both capitalist and socialist, and I hope that they can be useful in the current struggles in Venezuela and serve, more immediately, the discussions today.

the capitalist workday

What is the relationship between the capitalist workday and exploitation? When @ l @ s worker s labor to capital, they receive a wage that allows them to buy a certain quantity of goods. How much is the salary? The level of wages has not been automatic but nothing has been determined through the struggles of working @ s @ s into the capital.

These goods are the wages of workers l @ s @ s contain a certain amount of work and often call these hours of work "needed work" l @ s @ s worker, namely: - hours of work that is required for worker l @ s @ s produce the goods they consume each day.

However, under capitalism workers l @ s @ s not just work their hours of work required. No, the capitalist may be required to work more hours because, in order to survive, have been forced to sell their ability to work. The difference between the hours of work required and the total hours worked l @ s @ s worker for the capitalist work is over - and it is ultimately the source of capital gains. That is, the profits of the capitalists is based on the difference between working time and work required: are based on the surplus labor, unpaid labor, ie, exploitation.

Now, the more the capitalist is able to extend the workday, the greater the exploitation and the greater their profits. Marx observed that "the capitalist constantly tending to reduce wages to their physical minimum and extend the working day to its physical maximum." That's true! But Marx later said that "the working man constantly presses in the opposite direction." That is, the class struggle: l @ s @ s workers struggle to increase wages and reduce working hours, they struggle to reduce exploitation by capitalists.

course, your workday is broader than just the time spent between clocking in and out to work. Is the time it takes to reach their place of work, the time needed to buy enough food to survive, the time it takes to cook it - all this is also really necessary labor and an integral part of the day the labor force. However, given that this work is free capitalist seen that he is not a cost, it is invisible. Then, when the capitalists to reduce the work required by a reduction in wages (or by an increase in productivity relative to wages) is not that want to reduce the job does not pay, but you just want the maximum possible free labor, the maximum amount of unpaid labor.

No wonder why worker l @ s @ s want to reduce the unpaid work they do to the capital and try to do struggling to reduce the capitalist workday. However, not only unpaid work than it is a burden for worker l @ s @ s, so is the paid work are obliged @ sa do for capital. That is, the exploitation is not the only problem. It is the way in which capitalist production workers distorts the @ s @ s. In the capitalist workplace, l @ @ worker works in terms of goals capital, under the control of capital and where production is organized in a way that does not allow the worker s @ @ s to develop their skills but their only goal is to make profits. "All methods to develop production, cripple the worker making it a part worker," he said about capitalism Marx, "they degrade and alienate him the intellectual potentialities of worker labor process." This means that the capitalist production process cripples us as human beings. Life in the capitalist workplace is a life in which we are commanded from above, where we are nothing more than tools to manipulate the capital to make profits.

why we want to reduce working time. For this we can not wait to escape. Not only do we want to escape exploitation and injustice in income distribution. Time away from the capitalist production appears as the only time when we can be ourselves, times when our activity can be free, time for the full development of the individual.

necessarily have to be well within capitalism. However, we must recognize that many of our ideas are infected. The most obvious example is that of consumerism - we have to buy all these things. What defines us is ours. The socialist answer, however, is not that everyone should have the same thing-namely, equality of alienation. Rather, the socialist idea is to end the situation in which things possess us and define us.

The battle of ideas, which is essential in the struggle for socialism, is based on the alternative conception of socialism. Its central idea is not to reform this or that idea that has evolved within capitalism but rather, to replace capitalism with some ideas of appropriate conceptions of socialism. Now, our idea of \u200b\u200bthe working day, is it infected? Moreover, can we fully understand the working day thinking about working hours under socialism?

the socialist workday

First, what do we mean by socialism? The goal of socialists has always been to create a society that would allow the full development of human potential. Never conceived as a society where some people can develop their capabilities and others can not do. This is what Marx meant when he stated clearly that the goal is "an association which the free development of each depends on the free development of all." And it is pointing toward this goal when he emphasizes the Bolivarian Constitution, in Article 20 "Everyone has the right to free development of his personality", as explicitly recognized in Article 299 that the goal of human society should be to "ensure full human development."

As Marx pointed out, unlike a capitalist society, where l @ s @ s workers exist to meet the need "for capital to expand, in a socialist society the wealth l @ s @ s workers have been" there for meet the need of the development work. " But what is the nature of working in a society that is geared to ensuring overall human development?

Let's start talking about the work required - quantity. There is work that is in the products we consume every day, just like before. But must add to this the work worker l @ s @ s want to devote to the expansion of future production. Under socialism, there is no obligation on a worker capitalists @ sa perform surplus labor, and investors a share of the profits in the search of future profits. Instead of the above, l @ s @ s mism @ worker s in the workplace and in society decide if they want to devote time and effort to expand the satisfaction of their needs in the future. If so decide, this job is no surplus to their needs, is part of what @ s ell as their necessary labor. Thus, the concept of the work necessary changes.

addition, in a socialist society, we recognize explicitly that a necessary part of our work is at home. That is, we recognize that our workday does not begin after we leave the house but includes what we do at home. Article 88 of the Bolivarian Constitution recognizes the importance of this when he said that housework is "economic activity that creates added value and produces wealth and welfare."

The concept of the work required of our workday in a socialist society also includes the work that is required to self-govern our communities. After all, if socialism is about the choices we make in our communities democratically, then the time required to participate in part of our work involved. Similarly, if socialism is about creating the conditions in which tod @ s we can develop our potential, then the process to educate and develop our skills is an activity that is integrated into our work necessary.

In short, when we think of the socialist workday, think about it differently. Our opinion on the amount of work required, for example, is not distorted by the capitalist perspective as only the work necessary capital must pay. This is the difference between political economy capital and the political economy of the working class. From the perspective of worker l @ s @ s, we recognize and work needed all this work that is necessary for "the need for development work."

But the difference is only quantitative. Under socialism, the workday can not be a day where you receive orders from above (even in strategic industries) Rather, it is only through our activity, our practice and our role that we can develop our capabilities. Article 62 of the constitution emphasizes this point when he says that people's participation "is the necessary means of achieving the involvement to ensure their complete development, both individual and collective. " That is, in every aspect of our lives (the traditional workplace, community, home), democratic decision-making is a necessary feature of the socialist workday; through worker councils @ s, community councils, student councils, family councils, we produce as new socialist subjects.

Therefore, when we look at the workday from the perspective of socialism, we see that the simple demand to reduce the workday is a demand from within capitalism. Its message is simple - stop this horror! It refers to a concept of "infected" working time. Because its starting point a view of labor as something so horrible that the only thing you can think of doing is reducing and ending.

When we think about building socialism, however, recognize that the demand is to transform the working day - is to recognize explicitly all parts of our workday and transform it qualitatively. Instead of seeing the "free time" as the only time we can develop, from the perspective of socialism is essential to make the whole day time to build human capacity.

In summary, there are two ways to see the demand for reduced working hours: a speaks simply of a reduced working week and therefore holiday extended weekend, in contrast, the second stresses the reduction of traditional working hours to free up time for education, for our work at home and in our communities is ie the demand to redefine and transform our workday.

The first way to see the working day is to see it simply as a reform that should be in capitalism

l @ s For socialists, the first of May should be the day that we fight for the whole day l @ s worker @ s, in which we fight for the socialist workday.

[This paper was presented as an initial comment discussion at the "Roundtable on the reduction of working hours" held at the Centro Internacional Miranda on April 24, 2008. Translated by J. Duckworth]

general PSUV

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mi Paste Without Microabrasion

Venezuela: The re-SIDOR

Venezuelan citizenship, and who incidentally are here, we woke up this morning amid a new political-economic scale. The Venezuelan government on the express orders of President Hugo Chavez decided to end a long conflict between workers and employers renationalising the largest steel company in the country. To make matters worse the announcement was made in the early morning, just a few minutes past one in the morning, Executive Vice President Ramón Carrizales.

A multinational corporation

SIDOR (Steel Orinoco) is 60% controlled by Ternium group, the other 40% of the shares are divided between government and workers equally. It is the world's largest manufacturer of seamless pipes, an essential input for the oil industry, with a large expansion in recent years.

U.S. Ternium acquired Hydril Company, which has strong presence in the Gulf of Mexico, Brazil and West Africa. He also bought in the north country the company Maverick Tube Corp. And in Mexico to Hylsamex.

turn Ternium is controlled by Argentine-Italian group Techint (SIDERAR, SIDERCA, LOSA Olavaria) founded in 1946 by Italian immigrant Agostino Rocca, which it is presented as the national capital, and is along with the oil company Repsol of the great productive capital apoyaturas transnationalized Kirchner government.

TAMSA In partnership with (Mexico), Dalmine (Italy), NKK Tubes (Japan) and Algom (Canada) controls the Tenaris group, the largest producer of welded pipes in the world, which owns 11% of the shares of Ternium .

SIDOR has so far been a linchpin of a magnitude that has transnational game itself on the world market as a supplier of the oil industry and for the automaker rolled.

trabajadores de sidor nacionalizacion venezuela

The second wave is not about an isolated, whose nationalization terms are not known and it will lead to a lengthy negotiation as it is, like all here, nationalization pay, certainly well paid, but occurs as part of a series of actions in the same direction.

nationalization This group could well form part of what I call the second wave. If the first was focused on service sectors, telephone, electricity, communications, oil well, the second is focused on sectors of production: in the past fortnight the plant was nationalized the country's largest dairy, three cement and steel now .

As shown it is productive sectors and services that play a key role in developing self-centered, here defined as endogenous, even in the frameworks imposed by globalization.

Cement companies are critical to the maintenance of a national housing plan today, weakened by lack of basic supplies, dairy products have been a food shortage in more recent times, and the nationalization of the milk processing plant should be seen as the necessary complement to the cooperative agreements SANCOR of our country, which this year will provide 18,000 tns. powdered milk in return for a financial contribution to refinance debt of around $ 80 million that the Venezuelan government released these days, thus fulfilling the agreement signed last December. This agreement also includes a contribution of 55 million as working capital. Advance

Bolivarian process and economic policy decision is a definite improvement of the radical wing of Chavez and the Bolivarian government's recovery, which appeared beaten and detained by the electoral results of constitutional referendum on Dec. 2.

is a State reappropriates accumulated capital resources and strategic for national development.

Nationalization ending a conflict between capital and labor that left very badly on the government. The origins go back to fifteen months ago as part of the discussion group for higher wages, improved working conditions in retirement and the move to outsource ground staff. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe latter claim must be noted that the permanent staff is about 6,000 workers (1,200 senior staff), while contracts are in the order of 9,000 and whose working conditions are of great insecurity.

These claims were taken up by executive vice president at a press conference who said the intransigence of the company, whom he accused of "colonialist attitudes, unethical and inhumane, and maintain Barbarian operating conditions of its workers. "

also echoed the complaints of workers in that since privatization are raw materials (iron) at subsidized prices, with prices also reclaimed power, and then sold on the local market finished products at international prices.

Thus SIDOR gains rate is huge, its balance sheet for 2007 recognizes benefits of $ 127.2 million, although other reports do get these utilities to more than triple. Win

At a time of writing the TV shows images of thousands of workers concentrated in front of gate 3 of the plant, expressing his joy and recognition of their claims by President Chavez.

No wonder. During the long months of the conflict were severely repressed and some imprisoned by the National Guard, that he even destroy the cars. Again and again denounced the intransigence of the company, the alleged "neutrality" of the Ministry of Labour as well as assault and attempted amedentramiento they suffered.

The union that groups, SUTISS, organized a referendum to consult the workers to accept or reject the proposals of the company, rejection was unanimous on Thursday March 29 held a massive march accompanied by much of the town of Ciudad Guyana. Saturday, 31 took place there called the National Trade Union Meeting which brought together 100 unions and 7 National Federations, which among the various resolutions decided a national strike and a march on Caracas. At the same time demanded the resignation of Minister of Labour.

This government decision is a result of pressure exerted by the mobilization of workers and represents a major victory which will have national implications. Notes also contradictions within the Bolivarian government. Additionally

be followed receipt of this measure in the national government. A year ago when President Chavez threatened a similar move by the company favored the international market to the detriment of internal mediation of President Kirchner and his wife calmed things down. Now the decision is made, we will see how it impacts not only relations between Venezuela and Argentina, but Brazil and Mexico.

By: Eduardo Lucita, a member of the group EDI-Economists of the Left.